Guitar-Tuner / pitch detector
- Web-component:
...made with Svelte
or include into your website.
<script defer src=''></script>
- chamber_pitch; default: 440
- width; default: 180
- height; default: 80
- mute; default: false
- min_signal; Signal strength of the microphone.
- threshold; Threshold for pitch detection.
- drawCanvas(ctx, pitch, note, detune)
example / default:
function drawCanvas(ctx, pitch, note, detune) {
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(166, 166, 166)";
ctx.font = "12px Arial";
ctx.fillText(chamber_pitch + ' Hz', 3, 14);
ctx.fillText(pitch, 3, 26);
ctx.font = "28px Arial";
ctx.fillText(note, (width / 2) - 10, 30);
let color = Math.abs(detune) * 10 > 255 ? 255 : Math.abs(detune) * 10;
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(" + color + ", 0, 0)";
ctx.moveTo((width / 2), height - 5);
let scale = Math.abs(detune) > 5 ? 2 : 1;
ctx.lineTo((width / 2) + detune * scale, height - 5);
ctx.lineTo((width / 2) + detune * scale, height - 15);
ctx.lineTo((width / 2), height - 15);
ctx.lineTo((width / 2), height - 5);
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(" + color + ", 0, 0)";
JS-Example using Parameter.
<script defer src=''></script>
<span id="pitch-down" class="pitch-tune"><-</span>
<span class="pitch-tune">pitch</span>
<span id="pitch-up" class="pitch-tune">+></span>
<span id="mute" class="pitch-tune"> mic[on/off]</span>
<guitar-tuner id="guitar-tuner" />
let pitch = 440;
let guitarTuner = document.getElementById('guitar-tuner');
guitarTuner.setAttribute('shadowed', 'true');
let pitchUp = document.getElementById('pitch-up');
pitchUp.onclick = setPitchUp;
let pitchDown = document.getElementById('pitch-down');
pitchDown.onclick = setPitchDown;
let mute = document.getElementById('mute');
mute.onclick = toggleMute;
let muted = false;
function toggleMute() {
muted = !muted;
guitarTuner.setAttribute('mute', muted.toString());
function setPitchUp() {
guitarTuner.setAttribute('chamber_pitch', pitch.toString());
function setPitchDown() {
guitarTuner.setAttribute('chamber_pitch', pitch.toString());