
0.7.4 • Public • Published


A loading, memory cache for nodejs based on google's guava.

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Install with npm:

npm install guava-cache --save


Create Cache

guavaCache = require 'guava-cache'
# 6 hour eviction, 500 items limit 
cache = guavaCache expiry: '6h'maxItems: 500

Global Loader

loader = (key) ->
  return 'bar' if key is 'foo' 
  throw new Error 'key not found'
cache = guavaCache().loader(loader)
cache.get 'foo'
# => 'bar' 
cache.get 'abc'
# => undefined 

Local Loader

loader = (key) ->
  return 'bar' if key is 'foo' 
  throw new Error 'key not found'
cache = guavaCache()
cache.get 'foo'loader
# => 'bar' 
cache.get 'abc'
# => undefined 

Removal Listener

cache.on "delete"(key, value, reason) ->
  value.close() # do something with value  
# => reason: 'expiry' 
# => reason: 'size' 
# => reason: 'explicit' 


  "hits": 49897,
  "misses": 50103,
  "evictions": 0,
  "rates": {
    "hit": 0.49897,
    "miss": 0.50103,
    "loadOk": 1,
    "loadErr": 0


Caches are tremendously useful in a wide variety of use cases. For example, you should consider using caches when a value is expensive to compute or retrieve, and you will need its value on a certain input more than once.

A Cache is similar to Map, but not quite the same. The most fundamental difference is that a Map persists all elements that are added to it until they are explicitly removed. A Cache on the other hand is generally configured to evict entries automatically, in order to constrain its memory footprint. In some cases a loading Cache can be useful even if it doesn't evict entries, due to its automatic cache loading.

Generally, guava-cacheis applicable whenever:

  • You are willing to spend some memory to improve speed.
  • You expect that keys will sometimes get queried more than once.
  • Your cache will not need to store more data than what would fit in RAM. (caches are local to a single run of your application. They do not store data in files, or on outside servers. If this does not fit your needs, consider a tool like Memcached.)

If each of these apply to your use case, then guava-cache could be right for you!


The first question to ask yourself about your cache is: is there some sensible default function to load or compute a value associated with a key? If so, you should proivide a global loader via cache.loader(loader). If not, or if you need to override the default, but you still want atomic "get-if-absent-compute" semantics, you should pass a loader into a get call cache.get(key, loader). Elements can be inserted directly, using cache.put(key,value), but automatic cache loading is preferred as it makes it easier to reason about consistency across all cached content.

Cache Loader

A cache loader can be:

  • loader(key) -> value a {Function} which returns a value for a key or
  • loader.load(key) -> value an {Object} a load function which returns a value for a key.

A cache loader can be set with the cache.loader(myLoader) function.

The canonical way to query a guava-cache is with the method cache.get(key). This will either return an already cached value, or else use the cache's loader to atomically load a new value into the cache.

Note: A loader must throw an error is a key cannot be loaded and must not be inserted in the cache. Simply returning undefined for a non-existent key will cause the key to be inserted in to the cache.

Local Loader

The cache.get(key, loader) method returns the value associated with the key in the cache, or computes it from the specified loader and adds it to the cache. This method provides a simple substitute for the conventional "if cached, return; otherwise create, cache and return" pattern.

Inserted Directly

Values may be inserted into the cache directly with cache.put(key, value). This overwrites any previous entry in the cache for the specified key.


guava-cache provides two types of eviction: size-based and time-based.

Size-based Eviction

Call cache.maxSize(size) to prevent the cache from growing beyond a certain size (number of elements). Currently, the oldest entries by insertion time are evicted.

Timed Eviction

Expire entries after the specified duration has passed since the entry was created, or the most recent replacement of the value. This could be desirable if cached data grows stale after a certain amount of time.

Timed expiration is performed with periodic maintenance during writes.

Explicit Removals

At any time, you may explicitly invalidate cache entries rather than waiting for entries to be evicted. This can be done:

  • individually using cache.delete(key)
  • in bulk, using cache.deleteAll(keys…)
  • all entries, using cache.deleteAll()


guava-cachedoes not perform cleanup and evict values "automatically," or instantly after a value expires, or anything of the sort. Instead, it performs small amounts of maintenance during write operations, or during occasional read operations if writes are rare.

You may call cache.cleanup() for explicit cleanup or schedule a periodic cleanup:

setInterval (-> cache.cleanup())3600000 #hourly cleanup 


Refreshing a key loads a new value for the key (by calling cache.refresh(key)). This is an async opertion. The old value (if any) is returned while the key is being refreshed. This is in contrast to eviction, which forces retrievals to wait until the value is loaded anew.

cache.refresh(key) # async operation 


The cache.stats() method returns an object which provides statistics such as the hit rate, eviction count etc.


Create Cache


Creates a cache with the following options:

  • expiry Expire entries after this time. Can be a {Number} in milliseconds or a {String} (uses millisecond) module). Defaults to one hour '1h'.
  • maxSize sets the maximum size of the cache. Default is 1000.



Returns a boolean asserting whether a value has been associated to the key in the cache or not.


Returns the number of entries in the cache.


Removes any value associated to the key. cache.has(key) will return false afterwards. Returns this for chaining. Emits a delete event with the reason 'explicit'.


Removes all of the keys in the given key argument list or array by calling cache.delete(key) for each key. If no arguments are supplied, deleteAll() removes all keys in the cache.


Explicitly invokes async cleanup operations on the cache including eviction by time and eviction by size.


Begins a refresh operation for the given key. This is an async opertion. The old value (if any) is returned while the key is being refreshed. This is in contrast to eviction, which forces retrievals to wait until the value is loaded anew.

get(key[, loader])

Returns the value associated to the key if the key exists in the cache and has not expired. Otherwise get will attempt to load a value by calling the local loader if one is provided, or the global loader (set via the cache.loader(loader)). If a value is loaded, it is inserted in the cache and returned. If the loader throws an error, get returns undefined.

set(key, value)

Sets the value for the key in the cache. Returns the cache object for chaining. Emits a set event.


Returns a object with cache statistics, including:

  • number of hits & misses
  • number of evictions
  • hit / miss rate
  • load success / error rate


guava-cache emits the following events:

on("set", key, value)

Emitted for each key,value insertion.

on("delete", key, value, reason)

Emitted when keys are removed. Reason {String} can be any of:

  • size for size based evictions
  • expiry for time based eviction
  • explicit for user / explicit removals.


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