
0.1.6 • Public • Published

Grunt Wigitor


A demo builder for 'widgets' - a specific UI module setup

Widget stucture

The folder structure of a Wigitor 'widget' should be:

  • parent folder must be widgets
  • widget folder must follow this naming convention:
    • alphanumeric
    • no uppercase characters
    • no special characters
    • no underscores or hyphens
    • must end in wgt
    • eg - samplewgt
  • js folder should contain a 'main.js'
  • scss folder should contain a _module.scss and follow SMACSS guidelines for _state.scss and _layout.scss. _vars.scss can also be used.
  • options.json (see explanation below)
  • (see explanation below)
  • markup.hbs or markup.ejs, depending on which template you're using. This is the default template for the widget.
  • another-template.hbs. You may add more partials/includes as well, but they will be secondary to markup.hbs. (.ejs can also be used)
  • properties/example1.json, which should contain a config object for your widget. Multiple json files allowed and doesn't have to be example1.json.


There's also an options.json file in each widget, which contains options for the widget:

  1. configName {string}: This is the name of the config object used when populating the template. It must be unique and should roughly folow the name of the widget with the suffix "Cnf". You can abbreviate if your have a long widget name.

  2. templateType {string}: Either "ejs" or "hbs", depending which template you're using.

Use these custom tags to determine where properties button and Github info goes.


This only applies if options.json -> modifyReadMes is set to true



This should be the folder of the widget you're rendering.


This should be the output folder.


  • pluginDir {string}: path to the grunt-wigitor plugin directory. Defaults to node_modules/wigitor.
  • host: {string}: If running on a server, put the url here. Defaults to an empty string.
  • pathToRoot {string}: path to the project root. Defaults to an empty string. Used to normalise EJS includes. Defaults to an empty string.
  • pathToApp {string}: path to the root folder where you keep your 'widgets' and other development assets. Defaults to app/.
  • gitHubMsg {string}: Github details to print on your readme. Make null or empty string to omit it. modifyReadMes:false will also stop this.
  • cleanDest {boolean}: Clean the dest folder before running. Defaults to false. Careful with this.
  • modifyReadMes {boolean}: make true to insert a bootstrap popover into your widget's Also inserts Github details if gitHubMsg set.
  • justContent {boolean}: if false, will render with page template, otherwise will render just with the widget markup
  • omitScriptTags {boolean}: if true will remove any <script> tags from the markup when rendering.
  • deps {array or strings}: a list of widgets that this widget depends on. Their configs will be added to the global scope when rendering.
  • multiProps {boolean}: If true will search through the widget's properties folder and make available all json files as configs.
  • handlebarsPartials {array of objects}: Objects with details of additional handlebars partials needed for this widget. Partials in the widget's root folder will automatically be added, using the naming convention samplewgt_my-other-file. Objects must have 2 properties name {string} and path {string}.
  • containerClasses {string}: Classes for the containing element. Useful for setting light background wgtvwr-lightbg or Bootstrap grid styles. Should be a single string, separated by spaces.
  • pageTemplate {string}: Path to your own ejs template. Handlebars not yet supported.
  • strictName {boolean}: Whether to apply strict naming convention to widgets - really, whether they must end in wgt or not. Defaults to true.
  • widgetDirName {string}: The name of your widgets directory. Defaults to "widgets".
  • forceTemplateType {string}: Override any local options for widget templateType. Defaults to null.


  • 0.1.6: Added 'loadJson' helper that allows comments in your JSON files.
  • 0.1.5: Added 'forceTemplateType' and bug fix for dest arg in writeDemo function.
  • 0.1.4: Added 'widgetDirName' and bug fix for dest arg in writeDemo function.
  • 0.1.3: Added 'strictName' option.
  • 0.1.2: Bug fixes around containerClasses after tested in the wild. Added options 'containerClasses' & 'pageTemplate'.
  • 0.1.1: Minor changes to Still unstable.
  • 0.1.0: Initial release. Not properly tested yet. Will probably break.




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  • jimdoyle82