
0.2.2 • Public • Published



Syncpack can be used to synchronize files from source to destination folder. Instead of copy files directly to destination folder, syncpack uses a action newerToTempFolder to copy these files into a temporary folder. you can use any custom compression plugins such as uglify or pngmin to compress these files in the temporary folder, then run other command mergeToRelease to put these newer compressed files to destination folder to finish the process.

Syncpack compares new files by using files mtime(modified time). To insure that files copied from temp folder to destination folder has same mtime, the mergeToRelease action updates every newer file mtime to the same source file mtime.

  • newerToTempFolder put newer files in temporary folder from source and destination folder comparison.

  • mergeToRelease copy files in temp folder to destination folder, temporary folder will be deleted afterward.

  • no grunt plugin compatibility issue when compress newer files, any plugin will works.

  • speed up packaging process, only files in the temporary folder needs to be compressed.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt.

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-syncpack --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "grunt-syncpack" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named syncpack to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

    syncpack: {
        getnew: {
            options: {
                action: "newerToTempFolder",
                tempFolderName: "__temp__",
                logDetail: true,
            cwd: "source",
            dest: "release",
            src: ["**/*.js", "**/*.css", "**/*.html", "**/*.jpg", "**/*.png"],
            expand: true
        release: {
            options: {
                action: "mergeToRelease",
                tempFolderName: "__temp__",
                logDetail: true,
            cwd: "source",
            dest: "release",
            src: ["**/*.js", "**/*.css", "**/*.html", "**/*.jpg", "**/*.png"],
            expand: true



Type: String

Default : undefined

actions to perform, either "newerToTempFolder" or "mergeToRelease", see features section for more information


Type: String

Default : "__temp__"

the temporary folder name


Type: boolean

Default : false

detail console message of every files copied, always show in grunt --verbose mode


Type: String

Default : undefined

current working directory, the project source directory


Type: String

Default : undefined

the destination directory, usually the release directory that contains compressed files and ready for upload


Type: Array

Default : undefined

grunt provided file format, see globbing pattern for more detail.


Type: boolean

Default : true

grunt provided file format, make sure set to true to check every files in every folder.

Typical Usage

module.exports = function (grunt) {
        syncpack: {
            getnew: {
                options: {
                    action: "newerToTempFolder",
                    tempFolderName: "__temp__",
                    logDetail: false,
                cwd: "source",
                dest: "release",
                src: ["**/*.js", "**/*.css", "**/*.html", "**/*.jpg", "**/*.png"],
                expand: true
            release: {
                options: {
                    action: "mergeToRelease",
                    tempFolderName: "__temp__",
                    logDetail: false,
                cwd: "source",
                dest: "release",
                src: ["**/*.js", "**/*.css", "**/*.html", "**/*.jpg", "**/*.png"],
                expand: true
        //compress all js , notice that cwd and dest are set to temporary folder created by syncpack
        uglify: {
            task: {
                files: [{
                    expand: true,
                    cwd: '__temp__',
                    src: '**/*.js',
                    dest: '__temp__'
    //create a task that first move newer files to temporary folder, use uglify compress these files in temporary folder, then move to release folder
    grunt.task.registerTask("default", ["syncpack:getnew", "uglify", "syncpack:release"]);
  • use newerToTempFolder action to copy newer files to a temporary folder.
  • use any of the compression plugin provided by grunt, (for example uglify) to the files in the temporary folder, since compression updates the files in the temporary folder, the mdate of these copied files are changed.
  • use mergeToRelease action to copy these newer compressed files to destination folder, the newer file mtime updated to the same as source file mtime, the temporary folder will be deleted afterward.

Release History

2014.9.21 initial release


Copyright (c) 2014 Amo Yeh. Licensed under the MIT license.

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  • amoyeh