
0.3.0 • Public • Published


A grunt plugin for installing, running and controlling a redis server on windows.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-redis-winserver --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "redis_server" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named redis_server to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  redis_server: {
    options: {
      // Task-specific options go here.
    your_target: {
      // Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.

Calling the task

When calling the task, you need to define what action you with to take with the redis server. These are used as arguments when calling the task target, as redis_server:your_target:action, where your_target is the name of your target and action is any one of the below:

  • install: this will install redis as a windows service
  • start: this will start the service. If service is not installed, a install command will be issued first.
  • stop: this will stop the service.
  • uninstall: this will uninstall the service. If service is running, a stop command will be issued first.
  • status: this will log service state (NOT INSTALLED, STOPPED, RUNNING) to console output.
  • run: Instead of installing the service, you can also run the redis service from grunt. This will lock the console to this command, and you must ctrl + C to exit the process.

You cannot call more than one action this way, but you can call this task several times in a row by setting up an alias task.


Type: String Default value: 'grunt-redis'

The name of the windows service. Will show up on services.msc on the computer.


Type: Integer Default value: 3

Specify the maximum number of automatic tries to start the service.


Type: [Object]

This objects contains all redis configuration data. A current bug with redis on windows makes redis.conf-files unavailable, so all configuration options must be defined here. The available commands and their format is as follows:

redisconf: {
	'daemonize':                     '[yes/no]',
	'pidfile':                       '[file]',
	'port':                          '[port number]',
	'tcp-backlog':                   '[number]',
	'bind':                          '[address] [address] ...',
	'unixsocket':                    '[path]',
	'timeout':                       '[value]',
	'tcp-keepalive':                 '[value]',
	'loglevel':                      '[value]',
	'logfile':                       '[file]',
	'syslog-enabled':                '[yes/no]',
	'syslog-ident':                  '[string]',
	'syslog-facility':               '[string]',
	'databases':                     '[number]',
	'save':                          '[seconds] [changes] or ""',
	'stop-writes-on-bgsave-error':   '[yes/no]',
	'rdbcompression':                '[yes/no]',
	'rdbchecksum':                   '[yes/no]',
	'dbfilename':                    '[filename]',
	'dir':                           '[path]',
	'slaveof':                       '[master port]',
	'masterauth':                    '[master-password]',
	'slave-serve-stale-data':        '[yes/no]',
	'slave-read-only':               '[yes/no]',
	'repl-ping-slave-period':        '[number]',
	'repl-timeout':                  '[number]',
	'repl-disable-tcp-nodelay':      '[yes/no]',
	'repl-backlog-size':             '[number]',
	'repl-backlog-ttl':              '[number]',
	'slave-priority':                '[number]',
	'min-slaves-to-write':           '[number]',
	'min-slaves-max-lag':            '[number]',
	'requirepass':                   '[string]',
	'rename-command':                '[string]',
	'maxclients':                    '[number]',
	'maxmemory':                     '[bytes]',
	'maxmemory-policy':              '[policy]',
	'maxmemory-samples':             '[number]',
	'appendonly':                    '[yes/no]',
	'appendfilename':                '[value]',
	'appendfsync':                   '[value]',
	'no-appendfsync-on-rewrite':     '[value]',
	'auto-aof-rewrite-percentage':   '[number]',
	'auto-aof-rewrite-min-size':     '[number]',
	'lua-time-limit':                '[number]',
	'slowlog-log-slower-than':       '[number]',
	'slowlog-max-len':               '[number]',
	'notify-keyspace-events':        '[string]',
	'hash-max-ziplist-entries':      '[number]',
	'hash-max-ziplist-value':        '[number]',
	'list-max-ziplist-entries':      '[number]',
	'list-max-ziplist-value':        '[number]',
	'set-max-intset-entries':        '[number]',
	'zset-max-ziplist-entries':      '[number]',
	'zset-max-ziplist-value':        '[number]',
	'hll-sparse-max-bytes':          '[number]',
	'activerehashing':               '[yes/no]',
	'client-output-buffer-limit':    '[class] [hard limit] [soft limit] [soft seconds]',
	'hz':                            '[number]',
	'aof-rewrite-incremental-fsync': '[yes/no]',
	'aof-load-truncated':            '[yes/no]',
	'latency-monitor-threshold':     '[number]' 

Release History


  • Separated code to make it more readable
  • Added option to run server in process.


  • Big rewrite to support new functions
    • New config option: start_retry_count. Re-try logic if service do not want to start.
    • It is now valid to start an uninstalled service, this will issue a install command before starting.
    • It is now valid to uninstall a running service, this will issue a stop command before uninstalling.
    • New action supported: status. Log the status of the service to console output.


  • Updated description of project


  • Fixed path to redis-server.exe
  • Updated redis conf names with '-signs, so that the conf-object will be valid js
  • Prettified output


  • Initial release



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