
0.1.2 • Public • Published


Grunt plugin to copy source files form bower components to your directories.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-bower-prepare --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "bower_prepare" task


There are supporting technologies:

  • images
  • fonts
  • js
  • coffee
  • css
  • stylus
  • less
  • sass
  • scss

And this grunt plugin copy source files from bower component to your dest with path: dest/technologic/package/

For example:

If you add a section named bower_prepare like this:

  bower_prepare: {
    example1: {
      dest: 'libs'

underscore.js from package with the same name will copy to libs/js/underscore/underscore.js. And bootstrap.css will copy to libs/css/bootstrap/bootstrap.css.

What exactly will be copied to my dest

This plugin watch the main section at bower.json. Plugin looking packages in .bowerrc, if it exists. If some css file has @import then plugin will copy this file too. As well as all images and fonts at url() at css files.

If you don't like default javascript files path, you can set your own. For example:

bower_prepare: {
  example2: {
    dest: 'libs',
    js_dest: 'javascripts',
    css_dest: 'stylesheets'

Result: libs/javascripts/underscore/underscore.js and libs/stylesheets/bootstrap/bootstrap.css.

Simple syntax: technologic_dest and path.

Cleaning up your dest

If you remove some package then you want to remove them from your dest too. The clean_before will help you. Before you run bower_prepare task, all dest of your technologies will be cleaned. Not your dest, only dests of technologies.

bower_prepare: {
  example3: {
    dest: 'libs',
    js_dest: 'js_files',
    less_dest: 'less_files',
    clean_before: true // false is default value

Before you run this task the next dests will be removed:

  • libs/images
  • libs/fonts
  • libs/js_files
  • libs/coffee
  • libs/css
  • libs/stylus
  • libs/less_files
  • libs/sass
  • libs/scss

And new files will copy again.

What if you don't set dest

If you don't set dest then will be works technologies dest, like images_dest or fonts.

SVG may be image and font

If in path exists the font word, that svg means font and it will be copied at font dest.

For example, bootstrap has dist/fonts/glyphicons-halfling-regular.svg. This file will be copied to the font dest.

Include and exclude additional files

include to add some files than not exists at main section exclude to exclude some files you don't want to see

bower_prepare: {
  example4: {
    dest: 'libs',
    include: ['pack1/skins/blue*'],
    exclude: ['pack2/styles/load*', 'pack2/scripts/load*']


2014-10-03 v0.1.2

  • include option
  • exclude option

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npm i grunt-bower-prepare

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  • makingoff