Grunt Azure - Allows to use Windows Azure Storage Blobs / Tables / Queues inside Grunt.
Getting Started
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's gruntfile with: npm install grunt-azure --save-dev
Then add this line to your project's Gruntfile.js
Then specify your config:
more informations)
Uploading Blob : ( 'azure-blob-upload': dist: options: serviceOptions: '{connectionstring}' container: 'testcontainer' src: 'local/folder/**' dest: 'remote/prefix/'
more informations)
Downloading Blob : ( 'azure-blob-download': dist: options: serviceOptions: '{connectionstring}' container: 'testcontainer' src: 'remote/prefix/' dest: 'local/folder/'
more informations)
Enqueue Message : ( 'azure-queue-enqueue": { dist: { options: { serviceOptions: 'connectionstring', queue: 'testqueue', message: "String or JS" } } }
more informations)
Dequeue Message : ( 'azure-queue-dequeue": { dist: { options: { serviceOptions: 'connectionstring', queue: 'testqueue', numOfMessages: "String or JS" }, actions: [ function (work, callback) { //... callback(null, result); // or callback(err); }, function (work) { console.log(work); } ] } }
more informations)
Clear Queue Messages : ( 'azure-queue-clear": { dist: { options: { serviceOptions: 'connectionstring', queue: 'testqueue' } } }
more informations)
Entities Operations : ( 'azure-table-insert": { dist: { options: { serviceOptions: 'connectionstring', table: 'testtable' }, entities: [ { PartitionKey: "partkey", RowKey: "key1", Property: "Value" }, { PartitionKey: "partkey", RowKey: "key2", Property: "Value" } ] } }
Note: There are tasks for every entities operations :
- insert
- update
- merge
- delete
- insertorupdete
- insertormerge
more informations)
Query Entities : ( 'azure-table-query": { dist: { options: { serviceOptions: 'connectionstring', table: 'testtable', top: 10, pkPrefix: "prefix" }, actions: [ function (entities, callback) { //... callback(null, result); // or callback(err); }, function (entities) { console.log(work); } ] } }
Release History
- 0.1.0 Initial Release (Include blob download / upload)
- 0.1.1 Add Queue tasks (enqueue, dequeue, clear)
- 0.1.2 Add Table tasks (insert, update, delete, merge, insertorupdate, insertormerge, query)