
2.0.3 • Public • Published


A grunt task to create one file with import statements from a collection of stylesheet files. This is an adaption of the already existing npm plugin grunt-less-imports which only supports .less files.


@import (once) "filename"; // <-- these. in one file.


@import "filename"; // <-- these. in one file.


import "filename"; // <-- these. in one file.

Why use this? To get useful error messages from the parser, that tell you in what file the error was encountered! The parser uses import statements to aggregate files and will tell you about parsing errors in those files. But maintaining these statements by hand is a pain. In order to automatically aggregate all the style files in a project, a method of first concatenating the files before parsing is widely used. This works but you loose the valuable information about where to fix your mistakes.

So, automate import creation with this plugin and use the resulting file as the source for the parser.

By default any .css source files are inlined in the output before the import statements for the less files start.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ^0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-at-imports --save-dev

--save-dev adds the plugin to your devDependencies.

Once the plugin has been installed, load it in your Gruntfile.js like so:


The "at_imports" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named at_imports to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

	at_imports: {
		options: {
			// Task-specific options go here.
		your_target: {
			// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.


  • options.inlineCSS {Boolean} true

    By default any .css source files are inlined in the output before the @import statements for the files start. The parser itself will generate CSS from @import statements, but any .css imports are left as is. If that's the behavior you want, set inlineCSS to false. The imports will be created in order of the provided files.

  • options.banner {String} "// This file was generated by grunt-at-imports"

    This option contains the banner that is added to the beginning of the generated output file.

  • options.import {String|Function} "once"

    Set Less import option keyword. Only applies if the output file extension is .less. String: Set the keyword for all @import statements in the task target. Function: Dynamically set the @import keyword with a callback. The path and extension of the current file are passed as arguments. The function must return a string.


Basic example with options

	at_imports: {
		options: {
			inlineCSS: false, // default: true
			import: 'reference' // default: once
		src: [ 'styles/*.css', 'styles/*.less'],
		dest: 'temp/imports.less'

More Examples

Using 'files' shorthand notation

In this example, a files shorthand is used to specify input files and the output file instead of src and dest.

	at_imports: {
		options: {
		files: {
			'dist/imports.scss': ['styles/styles.css', 'styles/styles.scss']

Using multiple task targets

	at_imports: {
		options: { // general task options
			inlineCSS: false
		project: {
			src: [ 'styles/*.css', 'styles/*.less'],
			dest: 'dist/project.less'
		vendor: {
			options: { // target-specific options
				import: 'reference'
			src: [ 'styles/vendor/*.css', 'styles/vendor/*.less'],
			dest: 'dist/vendor.less'

Example with a options.import callback

	at_imports: {
		options: {
			import: function(filepath, extension) {
				if (filepath === 'styles/helpers.less')
					return 'reference';
					return 'once';
		src: [ 'styles/*.css', 'styles/*.scss'],
		dest: 'temp/imports.scss'


Warning: Arguments to path.join must be strings

Most likely caused by a change in Node 0.10.0. Fixed in Grunt 0.4.1. Update grunt and grunt-cli.


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  • simonharte