
0.1.6 • Public • Published


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This project contains a Grunt plugin which includes tasks to:

  • Create an Android emulator
  • Start an Android emulator
  • Stop an Android emulator
  • Unlock an Android emulator
  • Install an APK
  • Start an activity

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-android-emulator --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


create-android-emulator task

This task creates an Android emulator. You can execute it using:

grunt create-android-emulator:emulator-1 where emulator-1 is a the emulator's id as shown in the below configuration.

    grunt_android_emulator: {
        emulators: [{
            id: 'emulator-1',
            create: {
                '--name': 'testAVD',
                //'--sdcard': '10M',
                //'--snapshot': '',
                //'--path': 'avd',
                '--force': '',
                //'--skin': '',
                '--target': 'android-18',
                '--abi': 'armeabi-v7a'


--name or -n

Type: String
Description: Name of the new AVD
Usage: [required]

--target or -t

Type: String
Description: Target ID of the new AVD
Usage: [required]

--path or -p

Type: String
Description: Directory where the new AVD will be created
Usage: [optional]

--force or -f

Type: -
Description: Forces creation (overwrites an existing AVD)
Usage: [optional]

--skin or -s

Type: String
Description: Skin for the new AVD
Usage: [optional]

--device or -d

Type: String
Description: Device definition to use
Usage: [optional]

--abi or -b

Type: String
Description: The ABI to use for the AVD
Usage: [optional]

--sdcard or -c

Type: String
Description: Path to a shared SD card image, or size of a new sdcard for the new AVD
Usage: [optional]

--snapshot or -a

Type: String
Description: Place a snapshots file in the AVD, to enable persistence
Usage: [optional]


This task starts an Android emulator. You can execute it using:

grunt start-android-emulator:emulator-1 where emulator-1 is a the emulator's id as shown in the below configuration.

    grunt_android_emulator: {
        emulators: [{
            id: 'emulator-1',
            start: {
                '-port': '5556',
                //'-no-window': '',
                '-no-audio': '',
                // '-force-32bit': ''
                //'-no-boot-anim': '',
                //'-no-skin': '',
                //'-memory': '1024'
                //'-avd': 'testAVD'



Type: String
Description: TCP port that will be used for the console
Usage: [optional]
Default: 5554


Type: String
Description: Physical RAM size in MB
Usage: [optional]


Type: String
Description: AVD name
Usage: [optional]
Default: The --name or -n value of the emulator's create options


Type: -
Description: Disable audio support
Usage: [optional]


Type: -
Description: Don't use any emulator skin
Usage: [optional]


Type: -
Description: Disable animation for faster boot
Usage: [optional]


Type: -
Description: Disable graphical window display
Usage: [optional]

Execute emulator -help in a terminal to see a list of the available options. Note that the -ports option is not supported


This task stops an Android emulator. You can execute it using:

grunt stop-android-emulator:emulator-1 where emulator-1 is a the emulator's id.


This task unlocks an Android emulator. You can execute it by using:

grunt unlock-android-emulator:emulator-1 where emulator-1 is a the emulator's id.

The plugin uses the -port option of the start options to find the emulator to stop or 5554 in case this option is not defined.

install-apk task

This task installs an APK in an Android emulator. You can execute it using:

grunt install-apk:emulator-1:apk-1 where emulator-1 is a the emulator's id and apk-1 is the APK's id as shown in the below configuration.

    grunt_android_emulator: {
        emulators: [{
            id: 'emulator-1',
            create: {
                '--name': 'testAVD',
                //'--sdcard': '10M',
                //'--snapshot': '',
                //'--path': 'avd',
                '--force': '',
                //'--skin': '',
                '--target': 'android-18',
                '--abi': 'armeabi-v7a'
        apks: [{
            id: "apk-1",
            path: "./apk/test.apk",
            activities: [{
                id: "activity-1",
                packageName: "org.jboss.aerogear",
                name: "AeroGearMain"



Type: String
Description: Relative or absolute path of the APK
Usage: [required]

start-activity task

This task starts an activity. You can execute it using:

grunt start-activity:emulator-1:apk-1:activity-1 where emulator-1 is a the emulator's id, apk-1 is the APK's id and activity-1 is the activity's id as shown in the below configuration.

    grunt_android_emulator: {
        emulators: [{
            id: 'emulator-1',
            create: {
                '--name': 'testAVD',
                //'--sdcard': '10M',
                //'--snapshot': '',
                //'--path': 'avd',
                '--force': '',
                //'--skin': '',
                '--target': 'android-18',
                '--abi': 'armeabi-v7a'
        apks: [{
            id: "apk-1",
            path: "./apks/test.apk",
            activities: [{
                id: "activity-1",
                packageName: "org.jboss.aerogear",
                name: "AeroGearMain"



Type: String
Description: Identifier of the activity
Usage: [required]


Type: String
Description: Package name
Usage: [required]


Type: String
Description: Activity name
Usage: [required]


The example folder contains a sample example which depicts how to use this plugin.

Release History


Released 12 March 2017

  • Fix bug during starting activities


Released 16 January 2016

  • Update shelljs dependency NPM version


Released 08 September 2014

  • Remove validation from create options --device option support


Released 13 December 2013

  • Add APK installation and start activity support


Released 20 October 2013

  • Initial release

Package Sidebar


npm i grunt-android-emulator

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Last publish


  • tolis-e