is a Node.js npm-package / JavaScript implementation of two dimensional grid for collision detection. Exported for client side use with the help of browserify.
If you got some objects with 2d coordinates you can use this data structure to speed up some calculations like: field of view, collision detection.
It is a fixed grid, which indexes the inserted objects and keeps them up-to-date on demand.
- browser
- include the grid2.min.js in your page with a script-tag
- Node.js
var Vec2 = require('vec2');
var Grid2 = require('grid2');
// Some helper variables to save info to.
// This will initialize a grid2 with a 100x100 resolution,
// with cells of the size 10, 10.
grid = new Grid2({
'size' : new Vec2(100, 100),
'cellSize' : new Vec2(10, 10)
// Alice will be staying fierce in the top left ...
alice = {
'pos' : new Vec2(20, 20),
'rad' : 3
// ... with his rocket luncher, gonna try to shoot bob ...
rocket = {
'pos' : new Vec2(20, 20),
'rad' : 5
// ... however there is a bunker on the field ...
bunker = {
'pos' : new Vec2(50, 50),
'rad' : 10
// ... will it save bob?
bob = {
'pos' : new Vec2(80, 80),
'rad' : 3
// Add all of our beloved character to the grid.
grid.addObjects([alice, rocket, bunker, bob]);
// On the start Alice is near to her own rocket.
objectsOnAlicesPosition = grid.getObjectsOn(alice.pos);
// Object.keys(objectsOnAlicesPosition).length);
// >> 2;
// Bob is just sitting and waiting.
objectsOnBobsPosition = grid.getObjectsOn(bob.pos);
// Object.keys(objectsOnBobsPosition).length;
// >> 1;
// The rocket flys over to bob
rocket.pos.x = 78;
rocket.pos.y = 78;
// Update our data structure
// Lets get some objects after the update.
objectsOnBobsPositionLater = grid.getObjectsOn(bob.pos);
// Object.keys(objectsOnBobsPositionLater).length;
// >> 1;
// Lets get every object for fun.
objectsOnMap = grid.getObjectsBetween(new Vec2(0, 0), new Vec2(100, 100));
// Object.keys(objectsOnMap).length;
// >> 4;
- Grid2 is not validating inputs, so make sure you are using it with right parameters
- objects inserted into the structure need to have position (a Vec2 object) and radius (will be considered as the half length of the outer bounding box)
Adds an object to the grid.
- @param {Object} object | to be inserted, must have .pos and a .rad properties.
Add objects to the grid, see above.
- @param {Array} objects | to be inserted.
Returns all objects indexed by the cell having the position.
- @param {Vec2} position.
- @return {Object<id,object>} | objects mapped by their ids.
.getObjectsBetween(begPosition, endPosition)
Returns all objects indexed by the cells between the two given positions.
- @param {Vec2} begPosition | of the searching bounding box.
- @param {Vec2} endPosition | of the searching bounding box.
- @return {Object<id,object>} | objects mapped by their ids.
Returns if there is any objects indexed by the cell having the position.
- @param {Vec2} position.
- @return {boolean}
Updates the cell indexes of an object. Use this after you've changed the position of an object placed in the grid.
- @param {Object} object | to be updated.
Updates the cell indexes of objects, see above.
- @param {Array} objects | to be updated.
.setMetaOn(position, key, value)
Set metadata on cell by the indexed position. This is useful, if there is data, that must be shared between objects indexed by the same cells.
- @param {Vec2} position | of the cell.
- @param {string} key | of the metadata.
- @param {string} value | of the metadata.
.getMetaOn(position, key)
Returns metadata set of a cell on the position. For setting metadata, see above.
- @param {Vec2} position | of the cell.
- @param {string} key | of the metadata.
- @return {*} | whatever you've stored there before, see above.
Returns some inner variables of the grid. Useful for debugging/testing.
- @return {Object} containing the cells and objects of the grid.
For more info see the
- 0.5.0 (2015-10-29)
- 0.4.1 (2014-06-09)
- 0.4.0 (2014-06-08)
- 0.3.0 (2014-06-08)
- 0.2.0 (2014-04-27)
- 0.1.0 (2014-04-27)
- 0.0.1 (2014-04-26)