
1.0.3 • Public • Published


google-tag-manager-fn is google tag manager functional management module. You can add gtm container to your web app via this module. Here are some functions that you can use for the various functionalities of gtm.


npm install --save google-tag-manager-fn


Import the module to your code

import GTM from 'google-tag-manager-fn'; // Adds functionalities to GTM variable


init({ id, preview, auth, events, dataLayerName, dataLayer, reactFlag })

    id: 'GTM-abc', 
    preview: '', 
    auth: '', 
    events: {}, 
    dataLayerName: 'dataLayer', 
    dataLayer: {}, 
    reactFlag: false,

Folowing are the options to be passed :

option used for required default value
id GTM container Id yes
preview Previewing container no ''
auth Auth key for using gtm no ''
events For Adding events to datalayer for tags to be fired no {}
dataLayerName Data Layer Key for Gtm to look for data no dataLayer
dataLayer object for adding data to datalayer variable no {}
reactFlag For returning react components to render in your app as script with dangerouslySetInnerHTML no false

appendDL({ dataLayerName, dataLayer, state, reactFlag, event })

    dataLayerName: 'dataLayer', 
    dataLayer: {
        value: 'gtm variable',
    state: 1,
    reactFlag: false,
    event: 'gtm-value',

Folowing are the options to be passed :

option used for required default value
dataLayerName Data Layer Key for Gtm to look for data no dataLayer
dataLayer object for adding data to datalayer variable no {}
state 0 : data without event, 1 : data with event no 0
reactFlag For returning react components to render in your app as script with dangerouslySetInnerHTML no false
event Event Name for dataLayer variable no 'DLChanged'

fireEvent({ event, data, elementId })

    event: 'gtm-event',
    data: {
        value: 'gtm event value',
    elementId: '',

Folowing are the options to be passed :

option used for required default value
event Event Name for to be fired no 'custom-event'
data object for passing it to the custom event no {}
elementId string Id for the event to be attached to or in default case it attaches event to document object no ''

GTM to Catch Events

Firing Tags

You can add Page Views Tags or Tags on the basis of data layer variable values. You can All Page Route Change trigger for your react app. to check for the tag firing conditions.

Events Capture

You can add Custom Html Tag for capturing events that you are firing from your app using this module. (CustomEvent : object should be supported by your browser version.)

document.addEventListener('ga-event', function(ev){
    // Your data that you have passed from the app in your event will be available in ev.detail.
    console.log(ev.detail); // You data is logged on console.

If you have your app server side rendering try using functions in your user interactive functions or componentDidMount which runs only on browser as the document object might not be present on server side. And use reactFlag option as true for adding the component to your component render function.


You can visit some links for reference:



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