This is a minimal implementation of Goodluck's core, useful for benchmarks. Most probably, you're looking for the Goodluck template repository instead. The template repo includes is a fully-featured toolkit for creating small browser games. It includes the game loop code, input handling, and many example components and systems.
// 1. Define component masks.
const HAS_POSITION = 1 << 0;
const HAS_VELOCITY = 1 << 1;
// 2. Define components storage.
class World extends WorldImpl {
Position = [];
Velocity = [];
// 3. Define component data and mixin functions.
function position(x = 0, y = 0) {
return function(world, entity) {
world.Signature[entity] |= HAS_POSITION;
world.Position[entity] = {x, y};
function velocity(dx = 0, dy = 0) {
return function (world, entity) {
world.Signature[entity] |= HAS_VELOCITY;
world.Velocity[entity] = {dx, dy};
// 4. Define the system.
function sys_move(world) {
for (let entity = 0; entity < world.Signature.length; entity++) {
if ((world.Signature[entity] & QUERY_MOVE) === QUERY_MOVE) {
let position = world.Position[entity];
let velocity = world.Velocity[entity];
position.x += velocity.dx;
position.y += velocity.dy;
// 5. Set up the scene.
let world = new World();
instantiate(world, [
position(1, 2),
velocity(3, 4),
// 6. Call the system every frame.