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create customizable links to your graphite targets.


Creating links to view graphite visualizations isn't difficult, it's just tedious. I generally find that there are a small number of targets ( i.e. stats.timers.beta.request.users.index.{median,mean,upper_90}) that I use. I just switch out a few variables. glink lets you create a template with default variables, and then pass those variables in to create a url.


Install globally for cli usage

npm install -g glink

Or add to your current project for library usage

npm install --save glink

CLI Usage

The CLI uses a config located at ~/.glinkrc. If you don't have one, upon first usage it will write a default config for you (see config.default.json for the current defaults). Once your config is there it will always use it. Update it as needed.

glink your items here --param1=value --param2=value

Config Options

The config allows you to customize glink to be used with any type of target and potential substitution varialbes you may need. The CLI simply takes each arg you pass in and applies them, in order, to the variables defined in your config template. If you pass in less variables than you have defined in your config template, the config templateDefaults will be used.

For example, assume the following config:

  "hostname": "",
  "template": "",
  "templateDefaults": [
  "paramsDefaults": {}

Note that there are two variables defined in the template (##controller## and ##action##), and two corresponding templateDefaults that use the same syntax (You choose whatever syntax works for you... more below).

So given that config, if you run the following:

glink admins create --from=-1w

You would end up with the following link:

Note that ##controller## has been substituted for the first arg (admins), and ##action## with the second (create).

Given the same config, the following:

glink admins --from=-1w

Would produce the following link:

Note that the first arg has been used and the default for ##action## (in this case index) was used as there was no second variable. The param (--from=-1w) was still used and added as a query param.


Params (arguments in the shape of --paramName=value) are appended to the created link as query params. You can define defaults using the paramsDefaults key in your config. This is a great place to define things that you don't want to have to type into the CLI args, but will always want. They are overriden by any values you pass in as arguments. See Graphite Graph Parameter Docs for more info on the available params.

Library Usage

To use the library, pass in a config (same options as the cli config, but as a JS object), and an array of arguments (just like you do in the cli)

var glink = require('glink');
var config = {
  hostname: '',
  template: '',
  templateDefaults: [
  templateDefaultDelimiter: '***',
  paramsDefaults: {
      width: '800',
      height: '600'
var link = glink(config, ['admins', 'create', '--from=-4months'];);

Config Values and Defaults

KeyName Required? Default Notes
protocol https i.e. http or https
hostname X i.e.
port i.e. 443
template X define your variables as needed, with whatever syntax
templateDefaults X An array of strings
templateDefaultDelimiter === value used to split templateDefaults into variable and default value
paramsDefaults {} an object with key, value param and value defaults to apply
absoluteTimes false [experimental*] convert relative 'from' and 'until' times to absolute


Your config template is a template used to create a graphite target. You can substitute variables out of the template based on arguments passed into glink. Define your variables with any syntax you want. In the examples above we are using a ##variableName## syntax. These will be replaced with arguments or the values in your templateDefaults config values.


Your ability to use any variable naming in your template is due to having defaults defined in templateDefaults. This config option holds an array of strings in a special syntax:


Where ##variableName## is whatever you used in your template and defaultValue is the default value to use should there not be enough args provided. In this case we are using the === as a delimiter between the variable and default. This is the default templateDefaultDelimiter. Should you wish to use another delimiter make sure you update the templateDefaultDelimiter config value as well.

For sanity define your templateDefaults in the same order they appear in your template.


There are several modules that may be useful on their own within glink. Here are a few of them:


createTarget(values:array, config:object)

The config object can be the same config object as used in the main glink function. createTarget will look for template, templateDefaults, and templateDefaultDelimiter. See the table above for explanations with regards to the config. The values arg takes an array of values to be substituted into the template, in the order they are defined in the the templateDefaults.

var createTarget = require('glink/lib/createTarget');
var config = {};
config.template = '!!#controller#!!.!!#action#!!.mean';
config.templateDefaults = [
var values = ['admin', 'show']
var target = createTarget(values, config);


wrapTarget(target:string, func:string, value:string|number)

Takes a graphite target (i.e. stats.timers.requests.users.index.mean), and wraps it in a graphite function (i.e. alias), with the value.

var wrapTarget = require('glink/lib/wrapTarget');
var target = 'stats.timers.requests.users.index.mean';
var newTarget = wrapTarget(target, 'alias', 'users index');
// "alias(stats.timers.requests.users.index.mean, 'users index')"


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License and Copyright

MIT License

(c) 2015 Jason Madsen



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