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Generate a link tree from a configuration file.
npm install --save gistlinktree
npx gistlinktree [options]
-c, --config string Path to the config file
-o, --output-dir string Output directory
-h, --help Print this usage guide
Config file is defaulted to gistlinktree.yml
Output directory is defaulted to dist
Define a gistlinktree.yml
file as following:
title: My Personal Link Tree # Main title of your page
avatar: static/avatar.jpg # avatar used in priority over gravatar
gravatar: <md5-hash-of-your-email-here> # load avatar from gravatar
theme: dracula # theme of the stylesheet; values: default (by default), dracula
copy: # copy file at the root directory without changing the name
- input: static/icons/favicon.ico
- input: static/CNAME
- outputDir: my-tiny-static-website # build the gist into a subfolder
gistID: <id-of-the-gist-here> # you need to specify the if of your gist
- input: static/icons/website.ico # file to copy
output: favicon.ico # rename the file
- title: Github.com # title of the button link
url: https://github.com # define the URL of the link
linksSocialPosition: bottom # position of the social links in the page; values: bottom (by default), top
- type: github # icon of the social link (use Font Awesome solid and brand icon names)
url: https://github.com/<my-nickname> # define the URL of the social link
list are added automatically into the generated index.html
Format conversion
During the copy process or the build process of a gist, it converts:
- markdown files into HTML
- SASS/SCSS files into CSS
Social Links
Only solid and brand icons coming from Font Awesome v5.15 are available: https://fontawesome.com/v5.15/icons?d=gallery&p=2&s=brands,solid&m=free