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Get Next Versions

Release NPM

⚠️ Development Status: This package is currently in early development (version < 1.0). The API and functionality may change significantly between releases. Use with caution in production environments.

Automated versioning tool based on conventional commits and package dependencies. Available as both an NPM package and a GitHub Action.

🔄 Fun fact: This package uses itself for versioning! Check out our release-config and release workflow to see how we automate our own version management.


get-next-versions is a powerful automated versioning tool designed for monorepos. It analyzes your git commit history using conventional commits to automatically determine the next semantic version for your packages, utilizing git tags. Key features include:

  • 🔄 Automated version determination based on conventional commits
  • 📦 Works for monorepos with multiple packages
  • 🔗 Intelligent dependency tracking between packages
  • 🤖 Available as both an NPM package and a GitHub Action
  • 🎯 Configurable version bump rules
  • 🏷️ Uses git tags to keep track of versions
  • 💻 Human-readable CLI output and JSON format for CI environments

How It Works

  1. Analyzes git commit history since the last version tag
  2. Parses conventional commit messages to determine version changes
  3. Tracks dependencies between packages to ensure consistent versioning
  4. Determines appropriate version bumps based on commit types
  5. Outputs human-readable or JSON-formatted version information

Important Note on Single-Package Repositories

While this tool could be used with single-package repositories, it was primarily designed and tested for monorepo environments. Using it with single-package repositories comes with some trade-offs:

  1. Configuration Overhead

    • You still need to maintain a release-config.json file
    • The monorepo-focused configuration might feel unnecessarily complex for a single package
  2. Tag Management

    • The tag prefix system, while powerful for monorepos, adds an extra layer of complexity
    • Standard version tags (e.g., v1.0.0) require explicit configuration
    • Some existing version management tools might be more straightforward for single packages
  3. Feature Underutilization

    • The dependency tracking feature becomes redundant
    • The package-scoped commit parsing might be overly strict for single-package needs

For single-package repositories, you might want to consider alternatives like:

  • standard-version
  • semantic-release
  • GitHub's built-in release management


You can install this package from NPM:

# From NPM
npm install --save-dev get-next-versions

NPM Package Usage


Create a release-config.json file in your repository root. You can find the full configuration below:

  "versionedPackages": [
      "name": "app",
      "tagPrefix": "app-v",
      "directory": "apps/app",
      "dependsOn": ["packages/package-a"]
      "name": "package-a",
      "tagPrefix": "pkg-v",
      "directory": "packages/package-a"

CLI Usage

# Add to package.json scripts
  "scripts": {
    "version-check": "get-next-versions"

# Run version check (human-readable output)
npm run version-check # pass --verbose to see more details

# Run version check (JSON output)
npm run version-check --json

# Recommended: when there are changes and new versions are detected,
# add the new tags to your repository
# For example: pkg-v1.1.0 was detected
git tag "pkg-v1.1.0"
git push origin "pkg-v1.1.0" # or git push --tags

The tool automatically detects if it's running in a CI environment (GitHub Actions, Jenkins, etc.) and will output JSON format when appropriate. Check out the output examples below.

CLI Flags

The following command-line flags are available to customize the behavior of get-next-versions:

Flag Description
--json Output results in JSON format instead of human-readable CLI output. Good for CI environments.
--verbose Enable verbose logging mode. Shows detailed information about commit analysis, file changes, and decision-making process (does not work in CI or when --json is used)
--publish Automatically create and push git tags when new versions are detected. This eliminates the need for manual tag creation and pushing (does not work in CI or when --json is used)

When --publish is not used, the CLI will enter an interactive mode after detecting version changes, asking whether to:

  • Create and publish tags (Y) - this is the default
  • Skip tag creation (N)
  • Create tags without publishing (C)

This interactive mode provides flexibility when you want to review the changes before pushing tags to the remote repository.

Note that when --json is used, the interactive mode is disabled and --publish is not available.

More flags will be added in future releases to provide additional functionality and customization options.

GitHub Action Usage

name: Version Check

    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Check Version
        uses: benjamin-kraatz/get-next-versions@v1
        id: version_check
          config-path: "./release-config.json"

      - name: Use Version Info
        if: ${{ fromJSON(steps.version_check.outputs.changes).your-package.has_changes }}
        run: |
          echo "New version: ${{ fromJSON(steps.version_check.outputs.changes).your-package.next_version }}"
          # ... other actions ...
          # we recommend adding tags here

Configuration Options

The release-config.json file is the heart of your versioning configuration. Here's a detailed explanation of each configuration option:

  "versionedPackages": [
      "name": "your-package",
      "tagPrefix": "pkg-v",
      "directory": "packages/your-package",
      "dependsOn": ["packages/*"]
  "nonScopeBehavior": "ignore"

Package Configuration Fields Explained

  • name (required): The package identifier used in commit messages and for version tracking. This should match the package name in your commit scopes (e.g., feat(your-package): new feature).

  • tagPrefix (required): The prefix used for git version tags. For example, with prefix pkg-v, tags will look like pkg-v1.0.0. This allows different packages to maintain independent version histories.

  • directory (required): The location of your package in the repository. This is used to:

    • Track direct changes to package files
    • Determine when changes affect this package
    • Support monorepo structures with multiple packages
  • dependsOn (optional): An array of glob patterns indicating which other packages or directories this package depends on. When changes are detected in dependent packages, the current package will also receive a version bump. Examples:

    • ["packages/*"]: Depends on all packages in the packages directory
    • ["packages/ui", "packages/core"]: Depends on specific packages
    • ["shared/**"]: Depends on everything in the shared directory
  • nonScopeBehavior (optional): Determines the behavior when a commit doesn't have a scope. This is the case when commits were made for the root/entire repository. Options:

    • "bump" (default): Consider this commit as a version bump
    • "ignore": Ignore the commit

Git Tags and Version History

The tool relies on git tags to track version history for each package. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Tag Format

    • Each package uses its own tag prefix (e.g., pkg-v1.0.0, ui-v2.1.0)
    • Tags must follow the format: {tagPrefix}{version}
    • Example: For a package with tagPrefix: "pkg-v", tags should be like:
  2. Version Detection

    • The tool checks commit history since the last matching tag for each package
    • If no tag exists for a package, it starts from version 0.0.0
    • Each package's version history is tracked independently
  3. Tag Management

    • Tags should be created after each version bump

    • Can be done manually:

      # After confirming version bump to 1.1.0
      git tag pkg-v1.1.0
      git push origin pkg-v1.1.0
    • Or automatically in CI (recommended):

      # Example GitHub Action workflow
      - name: Check Version
        uses: benjamin-kraatz/get-next-versions@v1
        id: version_check
      - name: Create Tag
        if: ${{ fromJSON(steps.version_check.outputs.changes).your-package.has_changes }}
        run: |
          NEW_VERSION=${{ fromJSON(steps.version_check.outputs.changes).your-package.next_version }}
          git tag "pkg-v${NEW_VERSION}"
          git push origin "pkg-v${NEW_VERSION}"
  4. Best Practices

    • Always use unique tag prefixes for each package
    • Keep tags synchronized between all environments
    • In CI, use fetch-depth: 0 to ensure full git history
    • Consider automating tag creation to avoid manual errors

Version Bump Rules

The tool follows semantic versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH) rules based on conventional commits:

  1. Major Version (1.0.0 → 2.0.0) Breaking changes are detected from:

    • Commits with a breaking change marker: feat(pkg)!: message

    • Commits with a BREAKING CHANGE footer:

      feat(pkg): message
      BREAKING CHANGE: description of breaking change
  2. Minor Version (1.0.0 → 1.1.0) New features are detected from:

    • Feature commits: feat(pkg): message
    • New functionality that doesn't break existing code
  3. Patch Version (1.0.0 → 1.0.1) Patches are detected from fix commit types:

    • fix(pkg): message

Other conventional commit types are not causing a version bump!

Here are some examples:

  • Chores: chore(pkg): message
  • Refactor commits: refactor(pkg): message
  • Documentation: docs(pkg): message
  • Styles: style(pkg): message
  • Code refactoring: refactor(pkg): message
  • Performance improvements: perf(pkg): message
  • Tests: test(pkg): message
  • Build changes: build(pkg): message
  • CI changes: ci(pkg): message
  • Chores: chore(pkg): message

CLI Output Formats

The tool provides two output formats:

  1. Human-Readable Output (default in non-CI environments):

     🚀 Release Check Summary
     📦 Changes Detected:
     ✓ app: 2 commits
     ✓ package-a: 3 commits
     📝 Version Updates:
     ✓ app: app-v1.0.0 → app-v1.1.0
     ✓ package-a: pkg-v2.1.5 → pkg-v3.0.0
     🔍 Detailed Changes:
       • abc0102 feat(app): add new feature
         ↳ Direct changes in apps/app
       • ghi9012 fix(package-a): fix bug
         ↳ Affected by changes in dependent package packages/package-a
       • abc1234 feat(package-a): add new feature
         ↳ Direct changes in packages/package-a
       • def5678 feat(package-a)!: breaking change
         ↳ Direct changes in packages/package-a
       • ghi9012 fix(package-a): fix bug
         ↳ Direct changes in packages/package-a
  2. JSON Output (automatic in CI environments):

      "app": {
        "currentVersion": "1.0.0",
        "nextVersion": "1.1.0",
        "hasChanges": true
      "package-a": {
        "currentVersion": "2.1.5",
        "nextVersion": "3.0.0",
        "hasChanges": true

Best Practices

  1. Commit Messages

    • Always use conventional commit format: type(scope): message
    • Include package name in the scope
    • Use clear and descriptive messages
  2. Configuration

    • Keep release-config.json in your repository root
    • Use specific dependsOn patterns to avoid unnecessary version bumps
    • Choose clear and consistent tagPrefix values
  3. Monorepo Usage

    • Configure each package separately in versionedPackages
    • Use dependsOn to manage package relationships
    • Maintain independent version histories with unique tagPrefix
  4. CI Integration

    • Use the GitHub Action for automated version checks
    • Leverage JSON output for automated workflows
    • Consider implementing automated release processes


Common issues and solutions:

  1. No Version Changes Detected

    • Verify your commit messages follow conventional commit format
    • Check if changes are in the correct package directory
    • Ensure your git history is complete (use fetch-depth: 0 in CI)
  2. Unexpected Version Bumps

    • Review dependsOn patterns for over-broad matches
    • Check commit messages for correct package scopes
    • Verify breaking change syntax in commits
  3. Missing Git History

    • Ensure you have fetched all tags: git fetch --tags
    • In GitHub Actions, use fetch-depth: 0
    • Verify tag prefix matches your configuration


# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run tests
# NOTE: currently we have not migrated Jest to TypeScript.
# Therefore, a build step is required before running tests.
# It is included in the `test` script.
npm test

# Build
npm run build


  • Node.js >= 20



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  • benndev