
2.0.0 • Public • Published

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Universal Web Template

An universal web project template - let you quickly set up a project using Handlebars, sass and ReactJS for front-end templating. It can be adopted with most modern CMS.

Directory Layout

├── /app/                       # NodeJS middleware, including data model, models and controllers
│   ├── /controllers/           # NodeJS Controllers
│   ├── /models/                # NodeJS Models
├── /build/                    # The folder for template build output
├── /dist/                     # The folder for compiled output
├── /gulp/                      # All gulp tasks
│   ├── /helpers/               # Handlebars Template Helpers
│   ├── /tasks/                 # All gulp tasks
│   ├── /vendors/               # Configuration of vendor modules
├── /node_modules/              # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── /package/                   # The folder for app package
├── /public/                       # The folder for CMS project
├── /src/                       # The source code of the application
│   ├── /favicons/              # All favicons generated
│   ├── /fonts/                 # TTF/OTF font files
│   ├── /images/                # All images for the template
│   ├── /misc/                  # Some files which will be deployed to the root of CMS
│   ├── /pages/                 # HTML template files and data
│       ├── /components/        # All template components
│       ├── /data/              # JSON data for each page and main components
│       ├── /pages/             # All pages
│       ├── /partials/          # Page partials
│       ├── /master.hbs         # Master Template
│   ├── /sass/                  # Sass files
│   ├── /scripts/               # Javascript files and ReactJs components
│       ├── /custom/            # Custom Javascript code
│       ├── /plugins/           # External Javascript plugin for accessing internal data
│       ├── /react/             # ReactJs components
│       ├── /tests/             # Unit Test code
│       ├── /vendors/           # Other javascript vendors
│── gulpfile.js                 # A list of core gulp tasks
│── server.js                   # NodeJs server
│── package.json                # The list of 3rd party libraries and utilities




  • Use Sass CSS extension language
  • Map compiled CSS to source stylesheets with source maps with Gulp Sourcemaps
  • CSS Autoprefixing using Gulp Autoprefixer
  • Minify CSS file with Gulp Cssnano
  • Support Bootstrap, flexbox, Reponsive Design
  • Allow to create multiple css themes


  • ReactJS provides a flexible and efficient view coming with Gulp React Render
  • Flexible ReactJS rendering via React JSON array and React components
  • Process javascript file with ESLint using Gulp Eslint
  • Generate custom Modernizr builds to improve browser compatibility with Gulp Modernizr
  • Support next generation Javascript ES6 code with Gulp Babel
  • Obfuscate project plugins with Gulp Obfuscator
  • Support to build project plugins for external sites to import



  • Generate a range of favicons for web site, android, apple, windows and social shares with Gulp Favicons


Audit & Testing

  • Support to run audit on the project via Gulp Webstandards
  • Able to run Qunit test on pages. Through setting test_enabled as true, Qunit will run on each page.

NodeJs Server & Middleware

  • Run NodeJS server to set up backend middleware Gulp Nodemon
  • Database using JSON file as storage for Node.JS Node Json DB

Building System

  • Support to enable/disable each module from package.json configuration file.
  • Using Gulp streaming building system to render CSS, javascript and HTML pages. Configuration file is also provided, as you can update settings via the config.js file.
  • Live server to run template and support browser syncing Browser Sync
  • Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies using Electron
  • Place miscellaneous items in src/misc. e.g. .htaccess, web configure and Docker files. They will be copied to release.

Getting Started


  • Mac OS X, or Linux
  • Node.js v5.0 or newer
  • npm v3.3 or newer (new to npm?)

1. Get the template via NPM

You can start the latest version of Universal Web Template on your local machine by running:

sudo npm install universal-web-template


git clone

Please grab the template from /template folder and copy to your project.

2. Install components via NPM

$ npm install -g npm-check-updates
$ brew install fontforge ttfautohint ttf2eot batik
$ sudo npm install

3. Run Template

$ npm start

This command will build the app from the source files (/src) into the dev output /dist folder. As soon as the initial build completes, it will start the Node.js server (node build/server.js) and Browsersync on top of it.

Now you can see your web app in a browser, on mobile devices and start hacking. Whenever you modify any of the source files inside the /src folder, it will recompile the app on the fly and refresh all the connected browsers.

4. Build Template

$ gulp


$ gulp compile

These two command will build the app from the source files (/src) into the dev output /dist folder.

5. Build Template

$ gulp


$ gulp build

These two command will build the app from the source files (/src) into the build output /build folder.

6. Integrate Template

$ gulp


$ gulp integrate

This command will generate final files to the public folder (/public) for CMS integration.

7. Watch Template

$ gulp watch

This command will watch any code change from the source files (/src) and re-build the app once modification happens.

8. Test Template

$ gulp test

This command will run Qunit testing based on test scripts which are generated from test script folder (/src/scripts/tests).

9. Package Project as Executables Bundles

$ gulp package

This command will generate OS-specific bundles (.app and .exe) for the web app. Supports building Windows, Linux or Mac executables.

10. Clean All Compiled Files

$ gulp clean

This command will clean all files from compile folder (/dist), build folder (/build), public folder (/public).

How to Update

If you need to keep your project up to date with the recent changes, you can always run NPM update via:

$ npm update universal-web-template

If you want to update packages, please run:

$ sudo ncu -u
$ npm update

Issues and New Features

If you found any issues or hope to add new features in, please record them in here. I'll response you as soon as possible. Many thanks!


Copyright (c) 2016 Haolong Fan Licensed under the MIT license.

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  • henryfan