
0.12.0 • Public • Published

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Yeoman generator for creating a Node.js library in JavaScript or TypeScript.

Proudly made in Valencia, Spain, EU.


  • Create and configure the package.json file:
    • Allow to indicate the package name.
    • Allow to indicate the author and a contributor.
    • Allow to indicate library type: public or private.
    • Allow to indicate the license if public library.
    • Allow to indicate keywords.
    • Allow to configure whether the package should be installed globally by the users.
    • Allow to indicate the Git repository.
    • Allow to indicate the bugs info.
  • Allow to select the language to use: JavaScript, JavaScript (ES6) or TypeScript.
  • Allow to create the .gitignore file.
  • Allow to create the .editorconfig file.
  • Allow to create the .jshintrc file.
  • Allow to create the .travis.yml file.
  • Allow to create the file.
  • Allow to install a logger: vit-logger.
  • Allow to create and to configure the Gruntfile.js file:
    • Allow to install plugins: grunt-contrib-clean, grunt-contrib-compress, etc.
    • Allow to install compiler plugin: grunt-babel, grunt-traceur, grunt-ts, etc.
    • Allow to install a Travis CI plugin: grunt-travis-lint.
    • Allow to install a test runner plugin: grunt-mocha-test.
  • Allow to install unit testing support:
    • Create the test/unit directory with the data and lib subdirectories.
    • Allow to install an assertion library: Justo.js or Should.js.
    • Allow to install a dummy object library: Justo.js.
    • Allow to install a stub library: Justo.js or Sinon.JS.
    • Allow to install a spy library: Justo.js or Sinon.JS.
    • Allow to install a test runner: Mocha.
  • Create the lib/index.js file.
  • Allow to install the dependencies.

Other generators:

  • generator-gruntfilejs. Yeoman generator to create the Gruntfile.js file.
  • generator-packagejson. Yeoman generator to create the package.json file.


npm install -g generator-nodelib


Once created the project directory, run:

yo nodelib

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npm i generator-nodelib

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  • vitxorg