
3.0.0 • Public • Published

Azure App Service Mobile Apps generator

Yeoman generator to scaffold an Azure App Service Mobile App.

Getting Started

Install Yeoman and the Yeoman Generator for Azure Mobile Apps

(sudo) npm install -g yo generator-azure-mobile-apps

Create an Azure Mobile Apps base application

mkdir myproject
cd myproject
yo azure-mobile-apps

Start editing your project!

Configuring an Azure Mobile Apps project

This project is designed to run inside Azure App Service. You will need to hook up a SQL Azure database and deploy your app to Azure.

What's included:

A Boilerplate Azure Mobile Apps service that is suitable for deploying to Azure App Service. It includes a public web area (that is served statically) and example tables. It also includes basic tests for jasmine or mocha and linting for the entire project using eslint with a set of rules that are fairly strict.

You can test the entire service using npm test - this will also run the linter.

Start the server locally using npm start.


Firstly, thanks for even thinking about contributing. We welcome pull requests and, since this is not sponsored by an organization, we don't have any fancy CLAs to fill in. Please follow our Contributing Guide to get started.

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npm i generator-azure-mobile-apps

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  • jsandersrocks
  • windowsazure
  • photoadrian