A package for saving and making your project structure in YAML file format.
It's extremely recommended to install this package in global node_modules so u can access it globally from command line
npm i -g gelar-js
In command line, you could type the following commands :
Initialize gelar, and creating gelar.yaml in os.homedir() for saving your project structure. use this command if you accidentally delete gelar.yaml
Create your project structure in current directory
gelar use <your_favorite_project_structure>
Reset the gelar.yaml to brand new
gelar clean
Show list of available structures
gelar list
Show your project structure in yaml representation
gelar show <your structure name>
Type "gelar" with whatever argument to show helps
Make your own project structure
You could make your own Project Structure, just edit the gelar.yaml file located in os.homedir()
In Windows, you could find it on %USERPROFILE%/ directory In Linux, you could find it on HOME directory
if you just wants to use the demo structure, i already prepared a project structure named "example1", and you could just use it with "use" command.
let's make some project structure, you could make the structure like this.
my_structure: # the name of your project structure, would not included as directory, bcause it's just a name.
- assets: null # make empty folder, make sure you put null to mark it as empty directory, although you could just leave it blank.
- src: # make a directory with file in it. Notice the indentation, because YAML use indentation to structure its data
- index.html # make a file, make sure to give it an extension
- index.js
- "my-style.css" # if you want to put dash "-" your filename, just enclose it with double quotes
- another_file: null # notice the indentation, and be careful with it, so it wouldn't make any parsing error or unwanted structure
i choose YAML format because its structure's shape is kinda like directory tree (which i thought would be easy to write and read data in this context). and probably would add another data format in the future. :p