
4.0.0 • Public • Published


The Gatsby blog core theme

A Gatsby theme for creating a blog child theme. It includes all the data structures you need to get up and running building a blog and includes no additional theming or style opinions. gatsby-theme-blog uses this theme under the hood.


For a new site

If you're creating a new site and want to use the blog theme, you can use the blog theme starter. This will generate a new site that pre-configures use of the blog theme.

gatsby new my-themed-blog

For an existing site

  1. Install the theme
npm install gatsby-theme-blog-core
  1. Add the configuration to your gatsby-config.js file
// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-blog-core`,
      options: {
        // basePath defaults to `/`
        basePath: `/blog`,
  1. Add blog posts to your site by creating md or mdx files inside /content/posts.

    Note that if you've changed the default contentPath in the configuration, you'll want to add your markdown files in the directory specified by that path.

  2. Run your site using gatsby develop and navigate to your blog posts. If you used the above configuration, your URL will be http://localhost:8000/blog


Theme options

Key Default value Description
basePath / Root url for all blog posts
contentPath content/posts Location of blog posts
assetPath content/assets Location of assets
mdxOtherwiseConfigured false Set this flag true if gatsby-plugin-mdx is already configured for your site.
excerptLength 140 Length of the auto-generated excerpt of a blog post
imageMaxWidth 1380 Set the max width of images in your blog posts. This applies to your featured image in frontmatter as well.
filter {} Set the posts filter, for example: { frontmatter: { draft: {ne: true} } }
limit 1000 Set the amount of pages that should be generated

Example usage

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-blog-core`,
      options: {
        // basePath defaults to `/`
        basePath: `/blog`,

Additional configuration

In addition to the theme options, there are a handful of items you can customize via the siteMetadata object in your site's gatsby-config.js

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    // Used for the site title and SEO
    title: `My Blog Title`,
    // Used to provide alt text for your avatar
    author: `My Name`,
    // Used for SEO
    description: `My site description...`,
    // Used for resolving images in social cards
    siteUrl: ``,
    // Used for social links in the root footer
    social: [
        name: `Twitter`,
        url: ``,
        name: `GitHub`,
        url: ``,

Blog Post Fields

The following are the defined blog post fields based on the node interface in the schema

Field Type
id String
title String
body String
slug String
date Date
tags String[]
excerpt String
image String
imageAlt String
socialImage String

Available components and styling

There are some existing components that you can import and use. Reference the full path to do so, e.g. gatsby-blog-theme-core/src/components/post.

Also note that there are classNames on elements in these components allowing you to target them with styles in your CSS.




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