
4.0.1 • Public • Published


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Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby from Twitter Search API.

Supported API

Actually the plugin support a bunch of API endopoints

Check Twitter documentation for more details

How to use

To start using this plugin you have to create an App on developer and then create a bearer token to use application authentication

Note: Only api that use application authentication will works. User authentication api are not supported

Here an example of the configuration

// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-twitter`,
      options: {
        credentials: {
          consumer_key: "INSERT_HERE_YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY",
          consumer_secret: "INSERT_HERE_YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET",
          bearer_token: "INSERT_HERE_YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN",
        queries: {
          nameofthequery: {
            endpoint: "statuses/user_timeline",
            params: {
              screen_name: "gatsbyjs",
              include_rts: false,
              exclude_replies: true,
              tweet_mode: "extended",
          nameofanotherthequery: {
            endpoint: "search/tweets",
            params: {
              q: "#gatsbyjs",
              tweet_mode: "extended",

Check this repository for more example.

Plugin options


You have to create an App on Twitter and creating a bearer token following this instructions using your consumer key and consumer secret


You have to specify a object where each key is a query to Twitter API.

Choose a name for the query (you will use later to retrieve data), for example gatsbyHashtag, but you can use whatever you want.

queries: {
  gatsbyHashtag: {
    endpoint: "search/tweets",
    params: {
      q: "#gatsbyjs",
      tweet_mode: "extended",
  • endpoint: The endpoint of one of the supported API.
  • params: The allowed params of the API specified with endpoint option.
  • fetchAllResults: Fetch all result cycling through pages. (Only for search/tweets)

How to query your Tweets data using GraphQL

Now that you fetch some data from Twitter, you can access it with a GraphQL query.

The below gatsbyHashtag query will became allTwitterGatsbyHashtag

Below is a sample query for fetching all Tweets nodes.

query {
  allTwitterGatsbyHashtag {
    edges {
      node {
        full_text # or text depending by endpoint params
        user {

Warning: id field is not the tweet id, but Gatbsy internal node id. Use id_str if you need to use the tweet id

Breaking changes

3.x.x version contains some breaking changes. Here an example of how to migrate from 2.x version

Old options

options: {
  q: `@wesbos`,
  credentials: {
      consumer_key: "INSERT_HERE_YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY",
      consumer_secret: "INSERT_HERE_YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET",
      bearer_token: "INSERT_HERE_YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN"
  tweet_mode: 'extended'

New options

options: {
  credentials: {
    consumer_key: "INSERT_HERE_YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY",
    consumer_secret: "INSERT_HERE_YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET",
    bearer_token: "INSERT_HERE_YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN",
  queries: {
    wesbos: {
      endpoint: "search/tweets",
      params: {
        q: "@wesbos",
        tweet_mode: "extended",

Updated GraphQL query

query {
    allTwitterWesbos {
        edges {
            node {
                user {

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