Yet Another plugin to manage third-party scripts, respecting the GDPR.
This plugin is not specific to one solution (e.g. Google Analytics, Facebook pixel, YouTube, etc.), it can use and drive them all.
You just have to declare the whole script or an URL to load.
datas are stored inlocalStorage
Two components are provided:
which is used to display and manage the acceptance. -
which is used to prevent the loading of code (e.g. YouTube iframe, navigation map, playlist, etc.) if the person has not explicitly given his consent.
Two modes are proposed, one where the banner component is automatically added and a manual mode where you have to add it yourself.
To use the manual mode, it in the gatsby-config.js
plugin options. Change the value of useInternalComponent
to false
RGPDCookieBanner |
RGPDBlocker |
Full version, not accepted:![]() |
Not accepted version:![]() |
Accepted version:![]() |
Accepted version:![]() |
Choosing view without mandatory cookie:![]() |
Choosing view with mandatory cookie:![]() |
How to install
npm i gatsby-plugin-rgpd-acceptance
How to use
// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-rgpd-acceptance`,
options: {
cookieDuration: 365, // Optionnal, default value: one year in days
useInternalCss: true, // Boolean Optionnal, default value: true
useInternalComponent: true, // Boolean Optionnal, default value: true
labels: {
// See below
cookiesList: [
// At least one is required (otherwise, what is the point of installing this plugin).
// See below for all explaination
key: `google-analitics`, // Required, your internal key
publicName: `Google Analytics`, // Required, a Friendly Name
publicDescription: `GA Description`, // Required, a Friendly Description
type: `analytic`, // Required, a type/usage of script, chose one of them `ads|analytic|api|comment|other|social|support|video`
mandatory: true, // Boolean Required, set if this script is mandatory
urlToCall: ``, // Optional (otherwise, enter `scriptToInclude`), the url of your script.
scriptToInclude: `<script>'Testing script is loaded')</script>`, // Optional (otherwise, enter `urlToCall`), the url of your script.
// ...
Explanation of the Name | Default | Description |
cookieDuration |
365 | How long the acceptance is still validate |
useInternalCss |
true | Active the internal demo style |
useInternalComponent |
true | Add automatically the RGPDCookieBanner component |
labels |
{*} Object | The different labels of the RGPDCookieBanner component |
labels.icon |
The icon used in both version of RGPDCookieBanner component |
labels.titleBanner |
Les cookies | Title of the RGPDCookieBanner
labels.descriptionBanner |
Nous utilisons des cookies [...] | Description text (complete text below) of the RGPDCookieBanner
labels.acceptAllLabel |
Accepter tout | Button label of RGPDCookieBanner
labels.rejectAllLabel |
Rejeter tout | Button label of RGPDCookieBanner
labels.chooseLabel |
Choisir | Button label of RGPDCookieBanner
labels.saveLabel |
Enregistrer | Button label of RGPDCookieBanner
labels.mandatoryLabel |
obligatoire | information to indicate the cookie is mandatory |
labels.blockerWarnLabel |
Accepter | Button label of RGPDBlocker
labels.blockerWarnMessage |
Vous n'avez pas accepté les cookies [...] | Description text (complete text below) of the RGPDBlocker
cookiesList |
[*] Array of objects | The configuration Array of each cookie, at least 1 is mandatory |
key |
- | Required, your internal key |
publicName |
- | Required, a Friendly Name |
type |
- | Required, a type/usage of script, chose one of them (list below) |
mandatory |
- |
Boolean Required, a set if this script is mandatory |
urlToCall |
- |
Optional, (otherwise, enter scriptToInclude ), the URL of your script |
scriptToInclude |
- |
Optional, (otherwise, enter urlToCall ), the URL of your script |
of cookie :
default value:
Nous utilisons des cookies et des technologies similaires sur notre site web et traitons vos données personnelles (par exemple, l'adresse IP), par exemple, pour personnaliser le contenu et les annonces, pour intégrer des médias de fournisseurs tiers ou pour analyser le trafic sur notre site web.<br/> Le traitement des données peut également se produire à la suite de la mise en place de cookies. Nous partageons ces données avec des tiers que nous nommons dans les paramètres de confidentialité. Le traitement des données peut avoir lieu avec votre consentement ou sur la base d'un intérêt légitime, auquel vous pouvez vous opposer dans les paramètres de confidentialité. Vous avez le droit de ne pas consentir et de modifier ou révoquer votre consentement ultérieurement. Pour plus d'informations sur l'utilisation de vos données, veuillez consulter notre politique de confidentialité.
default value:
Vous n'avez pas accepté les cookies globalement ou celui-ci précisement.<br/> Pour afficher ce contenu, vous devez accepter.
Available options
The design is intentionally horrible. So, you can/should adapt it by disabling it in the gatsby-config.js
plugin options. Change the value of useInternalCss
to false
Here are the CSS classes (the names speak for themselves)
If you set useInternalCss
a rgpd-acceptance-theme
class is added to <html>
. So, you don't need to put !important
to override the predefined styles.
/* RGPDCookieBanner and his mini version component */
/* RGPDBlocker component */
.rgpd--blocker--container .rgpd--icon
Component If you set in gatsby-config.js
the option useInternalComponent
at false
you can add it manually in your layout.
It's mandatory if you need to translate labels with
. I you have only one language, you can directely set text ingatsby-config.js
import { RGPDCookieBanner } from 'gatsby-plugin-rgpd-acceptance'
* The pilot of acceptance
* @param {*} icon `String` Emoji Override plugin or config label (eg. for i18n).
* @param {*} titleBanner `String` Override plugin or config label (eg. for i18n).
* @param {*} descriptionBanner `String` Override plugin or config label (eg. for i18n).
* @param {*} acceptAllLabel `String` Override plugin or config label (eg. for i18n).
* @param {*} chooseLabel `String` Override plugin or config label (eg. for i18n).
* @param {*} rejectAllLabel `String` Override plugin or config label (eg. for i18n).
* @param {*} saveLabel `String` Override plugin or config label (eg. for i18n).
* @param {*} mandatoryLabel `String` Override plugin or config label (eg. for i18n).
* @param {*} asAContainer `Boolean` Add a container with `rgpd--container` classname.
* @returns
Component This component is used to block the loading of a child component that would require an acceptance validation.
If he didn't get it, an alert message is displayed and he can directly accept it by clicking on a button.
By implementing this system, you protect your users from tracking by the third party service used.
* A component to block the loading of an unaccepted third party script.
* @param {*} cookieKey `String` **Required**, your internal key, same as configured in `gatsby-config.js`
* @param {*} className `String` Optionnal, your style (set width and height)
* @param {*} blockerWarnMessage `String` Optionnal, the label of the localy acceptance button
* @param {*} blockerWarnLabel `String` Optionnal, the warning message.
* @returns
How to contribute
Bugs and Features
You can make enhancement requests, report bugs, or simply offer help at
Create some plugins to facilitate the implemtation of a cookie script (like the others plugins who are specialized).