
2.0.2 • Public • Published


Released under MIT license. gatsby-plugin-ghost-images npm package version. PRs welcome!

Downloads images from Ghost CMS so they can be processed with the Gatsby image tool chain. This plugin is designed to seamlessly work with a headless Ghost CMS, but it should also work with other content management systems.


yarn add gatsby-plugin-ghost-images

Note that gatsby-source-filesystem is installed as a dependency of this plugin, because it provides needed functions. It is not required to include gatsby-source-filesystem in your gatsby-config.js as all images are fetched remotely from the CMS.

Works best with...

While you can use gatsby-plugin-ghost-images on its own, you most likely want to use it with Gatsby image and sharp plugins:

yarn add gatsby-plugin-sharp gatsby-transformer-sharp gatsby-image

GraphQL schema

Note that the GraphQL schema must be explicitely typed. If you use this plugin in conjunction with gatsby-source-try-ghost this is automatically done for you.

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
    // sharp plugins are only needed if you want to use gatsby image processing tools
        resolve: `gatsby-plugin-ghost-images`,
        options: {
            // An array of node types and image fields per node
            // Image fields must contain a valid absolute path to the image to be downloaded
            lookup: [
                    type: `GhostPost`,
                    imgTags: [`feature_image`],
                    type: `GhostPage`,
                    imgTags: [`feature_image`],
                    type: `GhostSettings`,
                    imgTags: [`cover_image`],
            // Additional condition to exclude nodes 
            // Takes precedence over lookup
            exclude: node => (
                node.ghostId === undefined
            // Additional information messages useful for debugging
            verbose: true,
            // Option to disable the module (default: false)
            disable: false,

Image nodes

For each image, this plugin creates a new file node and puts the image data into the cache. For convenience all images are also attached to the original node. We adopt a naming convention, so the reference names are automatically generated. First the image tag name is extended with _sharp, next it is transformed into camel Case. For example:

feature_image -> feature_image_sharp -> featureImageSharp

With this naming convention there is no need to provide a target name.


This plugin will dramatically improve user experience and site performance! Gatsby provides amazing image processing tools that natively ships with lazy loading, adaptive image resolutions and much more. Get all these image features into your Ghost site with this plugin.

How to query

  allGhostPost {
    edges {
      node {
        featureImageSharp {

How to query images created by sharp

  allGhostPost {
    edges {
      node {
        featureImageSharp {
          childImageSharp {
            fluid(maxWidth: 1920) {

How to access in React code

import Img from "gatsby-image"


const fluidImg = ghostPost.featureImageSharp.childImageSharp.fluid

<Img fluid={fluidImg} />


PRs are welcome! Consider contributing to this project if you are missing feature that is also useful for others. Explore this guide, to get some more ideas.

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2020 styxlab - Released under the MIT license.

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  • styxlab