Gantt-elastic - Javascript Gantt Chart (editable, responsive)
Javascript Gantt Chart for vue, jquery, vanilla js and other frameworks
Project moved to gantt-schedule-timeline-calendar
Keywords: [ gantt, javascript gantt, gantt chart,js gantt,vue gantt,project manager,gantt project manager,responsive gantt ]
Gantt-elastic demo here
is a vue component but it could be used in other frameworks or even with jQuery (vue is kind of elastic and lightweight framework).
If you want more activity in this repo give it a ⭐️
Full documentation soon (for now take a look at examples folder)
For now you can look at WIKI There is also full example vue project at
npm install --save gantt-elastic
or download zip from github / clone repo
and if you want default header
npm install --save gantt-elastic-header
GanttElastic editor demo
gantt-elastic as vue component
Take a look at the vue.html
inside examples folder file to see how you could add gantt-elastic inside <script>
tag along with the Vue framework
Demo project:
You can also import gantt-elastic as compiled js component in commonjs or umd format (examples folder) or just grab GanttElastic.vue from src directory and add to your existing vue project.
;;; // if you want standard header (npm i -s gantt-elastic-header) el:'#gantt' template:`<gantt-elastic :tasks="tasks" :options="options"> <gantt-elastic-header slot="header"></gantt-elastic-header> <gantt-elastic-footer slot="footer"></gantt-elastic-footer> </gantt-elastic>` components: ganttElasticHeader: template:`<span>your header</span>` // or Header ganttElastic: GanttElastic ganttElasticFooter: template:`<span>your footer</span>` { return tasks: tasks options: options ; };
;; // your app that uses gantt-elastic from 'gantt-elastic/src/GanttElastic.vue' el: '#app' ;
For webpack usage (pure javascript, inside other frameworks or Vue App/Component)
Take a look at this demo project: for other bundlers use umd or commonjs from dist folder.
;; // same as import GanttElastic from 'gantt-elastic';; // if you want vue component directly without compilation - look above// and the same with requireconst GanttElastic = ;
If you are using uglifyjs in your project be sure to have es6 compatible version like uglify-es