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GaladrielMap SignalK edition License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

This is a SignalK-based chart plotter navigation software (chartplotter) for pleasure crafts, motorhomes, and off-road cars. With SignalK server it can work on mobile clients without install any app. Only browser need.

v. 0.9

The chartplotter is a edition of the GaladrielMap, designed to work as SignalK webapp. Refer to the GaladrielMap documentation for information.


  • GaladrielMap SignalK edition use @signalk/charts-plugin for charts instead GaladrielCache. So Weather map is not available, such well as some other maps from GaladrielMap. There is also no tile caching.
  • Since SignalK has no built-in controls of data actuality such as in gpsdPROXY on GaladrielMap, basic features added. The current age of the data is displayed in the upper left corner of the "Speed&heading" tab.
  • Die to limitations of the SignalK architecture there is no way to save to a server the .gpx file larger than 4Kb in GPX Editor.


GaladrielMap SignalK edition handle SignalK notification system.
If the collision-detector is installed, the GaladrielMap SignalK edition highlights dangerous vessels on the map and indicates the direction to them on self cursor.
If naivegpxlogger is installed, it becomes convenient to record the path in gpx format.


Install chartplotter from SignalK Appstore as galadrielmap_sk.
Restart SignalK,
Use Server -> Plugin Config menu of SignalK web control panel to start plugin and configure parameters.
Press Submit to save changes.


Go to Webapps menu of SignalK web control panel and open Galadrielmap_sk; or open http://your-signalk:3000/galadrielmap_sk/

Track logging

Install naiveGPXlogger to track logging. You can control the log recording in the chartplotter interface. But GaladrielMap has a possibility to show any currently being recorded .gpx file. Therefore, if some program in the server writes track log to .gpx, this file can be displayed on the screen dynamically. Specify the directory with .gpx file in chartplotter settings for this.

Extension of SignalK protocol

The value of notifications.mob path has the following additional properties except specified in the documentation:

"source": the UUID of instance firing of notification,
"position": the GeoJSON object with MOB spatial info



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