- Install Node
(if not installed) Open the official page for Node.js downloads (https://nodejs.org/en/download/) and download Node.js for Windows/Linux option Run the downloaded Node.js .msi Installer - including accepting the license, selecting the destination, and authenticating for the install. This requires Administrator privileges, and you may need to authenticate To ensure Node.js has been installed, run node -v in your terminal - you should get something like v6.9.5 Update your version of npm with npm install npm --global
To use G6 React Component, please install any of the React framework from below url: https://reactjs.org/community/starter-kits.html
$ `npm install --save g6reactdatagrid`
To update existing g6reactdatagrid component
$ `npm update g6reactdatagrid`
Import DataGrid component from g6reactdatagrid
import DataGrid from "g6reactdatagrid";
// required: [{columnName: '', displayName: ''}]
// optional: {sort: boolean, type: 'date', format: 'DD/MM/YYYY'} Currently supports only date in 'type'.
const columns = [
{"columnName": "id", "displayName": "ID", "sort":true},
{"columnName": "name", "displayName": "Name" },
{"columnName": "company", "displayName": "Company", "sort":true},
{"columnName": "city", "displayName": "City"},
{"columnName": "state", "displayName": "State"}
const rows = [
{"id":"1","name":"Joe James", "company":"Test Corp", "city":"Yonkers", "state":"NY"},
{"id":"2","name":"John Walsh", "company":"Test Corp", "city":"Hartford", "state":"CT"},
{"id":"3","name":"Bob Herm", "company":"Test Corp", "city":"Tampa", "state":"FL"},
{"id":"4","name":"James Houston", "company":"Test Corp", "city":"Dallas", "state":"TX"},
const options = {
totalRecords: 4, // Number. required for pagination Calculation
totalRecordsLabel: 'Result: ##TOTAL_RECORDS##', // String. Optional
rowsPerPage: 4, // Number. Default: 20. required for pagination
page: 0, // Number. Default: 0
loadMore: true, // Boolean. Optional
loadMoreLabel: 'Load More', // String. Optional
customColumn: { // Object Optional
isActive: true, // Boolean
columnTitle: 'View', // string
columnContent: (rowData) => { // should be a function
return (
<div> <button className='g6Rtable-load-more-btn' onClick={() => { onRowActionClick(rowData) }}>View</button></div>
onPageChange: (pageNumber) => {
console.log('pageNumber', pageNumber);
onColumnSortChange: (column, direction) => {
console.log('column, direction', column, direction);
const onRowActionClick=function(rowData){
alert(rowData.id +'-'+ rowData.name +'-'+ rowData.company);