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1.5.0 • Public • Published

React Timetable

A versatile, configurable and responsive timetable component for React. Ideal for showing the agenda for locations on a specific date.


Changes in version 1.5

  • Items can contain a cancelled property
  • Items starting before or ending after the timetable scope are now included
  • Increased configurability of the timetable style and its locations and items
  • The current time indicator can be hidden by setting showTimeMarker to false
  • Fixed the horizontal scrollbar which was hidden, so mouse-only users couldn't scroll horizontally
  • The display format of the dates is now configurable through dateFormat


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Usage example

import {
  type TimeTableItem,
  type TimeTableLocation,
  type TimeTableRenderedItem,
} from "ftr-timetable";

interface EventData {
  type?: string;
  category?: string;
  isFree: boolean;

const locations: TimeTableLocation[] = [
    id: "1",
    name: "Mainstage",
    items: [
        id: "4",
        name: "Event included in location",
        startDate: "2024-05-05T16:00:00+02:00",
        endDate: "2024-05-05T18:00:00+02:00",
        data: {
          isFree: true,
    id: "2",
    name: "Garden",

const items: TimeTableItem[] = [
    id: "1",
    name: "Main event",
    info: "Don't miss it!",
    locationId: "1",
    startDate: "2024-05-05T10:00:00+02:00",
    endDate: "2024-05-05T15:00:00+02:00",
    id: "2",
    name: "Violin concert",
    locationId: "2",
    startDate: "2024-05-05T08:00:00+02:00",
    endDate: "2024-05-05T12:00:00+02:00",
    cancelled: true,
    data: {
      type: "Music",
      category: "Classical",
      isFree: true,
    id: "3",
    name: "Day 2 Main event",
    locationId: "1",
    startDate: "2024-05-06T10:00:00+02:00",
    endDate: "2024-05-06T15:00:00+02:00",

const onItemClicked = (item: TimeTableRenderedItem<EventData>) => {
  console.log("Item clicked: ", item, `Free: ${ || false}`);

return (
      backgroundColor: "transparent",
      dateBackgroundColor: "ivory",
      locationBackgroundColor: "beige",
      textColor: "#000",
      borderStyle: "solid 1px #ccc",
      itemBackgroundColor: "burlywood",
      itemHoverBackgroundColor: "darkkhaki",
      itemTextColor: "#fff",

API Reference



Option Type Required Default Description
locations TimeTableLocation[] yes The locations to show in the timetable
items TimeTableItem[] no [] The events to show in the timetable
variant string no horizontal The display style of the timetable. Can be horizontal or vertical. Defaults to vertical when unspecified and there is only 1 location
dates string[] no Predefined dates to choose from. The first date will be selected by default. The format needs to be yyyy-MM-dd
startingHour number no 6 Starting hour of a day
numberOfHours number no 24 Number of hours to display for a single day
styles TimeTableStyles no Custom styling to apply to the timetable
onDateChange function(date: string) no Callback function when the date is changed. Returns the selected date as yyyy-MM-dd
onItemClick function(item: TimeTableRenderedItem<T>) => void no Callback function when an item is clicked
onLocationClick function(item: TimeTableLocation) => void no Callback function when a location is clicked
renderItem function(item: TimeTableRenderedItem<T>) => React.ReactNode no Custom rendering of items
renderLocation function(item: TimeTableLocation) => React.ReactNode no Custom rendering of locations
dateFormat string no eee dd MMMM Date format of the date picker. Guide
showTimeMarker boolean no true Show or hide the current time marker



Option Type Required Default Description
id string / number yes Location ID
name string yes Location name
items TimeTableItem[] no Event items for the location
style React.CSSProperties no Custom style for the location



Option Type Required Default Description
id string / number yes Item ID
name string yes Item name
info string no Item extra info
startDate Date / string yes Item start date
endDate Date / string yes Item end date
data {} no Optional extra data. Useful for callbacks
style React.CSSProperties no Custom style for the item
cancelled boolean no false Shows the item as cancelled



Option Type Default Description
backgroundColor string #1f2937 Background color
borderStyle string solid 2px #374151 CSS Border style, specify "none" to remove borderStyle
dateBackgroundColor string #1f2937 Background color of the date and hours. Avoid using "transparent"
dateTextColor string inherit Text color of the date and hours
datePickerBackgroundColor string #1f2937 Background of the date picker
itemBackgroundColor string #304151 Background color of an item
itemHoverBackgroundColor string #374151 Background color of an item on hover
itemTextColor string inherit Text color of an item
locationBackgroundColor string #000 Background color of a location
locationTextColor string inherit Text color of a location
textColor string #fff General text color used in the timetable
timeMarkerColor string #666 Color of the current time indicator

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  • michelvermeer