
1.3.3 • Public • Published


Enhanced handlebars for use in next applications

Express applications

require('ft-next-handlebars')(app, options)

Where options may have the following properties

  • directory: String - absolute path to the current application's working directory REQUIRED
  • partialsDir: Array of directories containing partials. This is concatenated to the default value of ./bower_components/
  • layoutsDir: String - the directory in which express-handlebars layouts are contained
  • defaultLayout: Name of the default layout to use. Defaults to false
  • helpers: Map of custom helpers to add to handlebars (see below for a list those included by default)
  • viewsDirectory: String - subdirectory where the application's views are stored (default /views)

Returns a promise which resolves when all partials in the supplied directories have been registered

To use the express-handlebars instance by itself (occassionally useful for consuming templates from bower_components outside of the context of an express app) use require('ft-next-handlebars').standalone(options)

A handlebars instance with all next helpers, but without partials, is also exposed at require('ft-next-handlebars').handlebars;

Client side javascript


Where options may have the following properties

  • helpers: Map of custom helpers to add to handlebars (see below for a list those included by default)

Returns a handlebars instance

Other server side applications

Should you need to use handlebars with all the next helpers but without next-express use require('ft-next-handlebars').handlebars(options), which has the same API a the client side module


Inheritance helpers

Block inheritance

This is achieved by means of two helpers:

  • outputBlock used in the parent template to indicate where content should be output. Can also define default content
  • defineBlock used in the child template to define the desired output to insert into the block
// parent.html
{{#outputBlock 'my-block'}}default content{{/outputBlock}}
// child.html
{{#defineBlock 'my-block'}}
    Mustaches to process: {{someVar}}
{{> parent}}


Allows a partial to be selected based on the value of a variable

  • {{{usePartial 'path/to/partial'}}} Note a '>' is not required in the path and you will normally need triple mustaches

Content helpers


Outputting date objects as strings

  • {{#dateformat}}{{ a date object }}{{/dateformat}} outputs an isoString
  • {{#dateformat "dddd, d mmmm, yyyy"}}{{ a date object }}{{/dateformat}} outputs the date formatted as 'Tuesday, 3 February, 2014'


Encoding strings to be output safely in html

  • {{encode q mode='uriComponent'}} outputs the result of encodeURIComponent(q) ({{encode q }} will also do this)
  • {{encode q mode='uri'}} outputs the result of encodeURI(q)


Takes a topic identifier (currently something like topic:"European%20Cars") and converts to a next stream url /stream/topic/European%20Cars

  • {{topicUrl searchString}}


Outputting some paragraphs from a larger chunk of html, zero indexed

  • {{{paragraphs body start=0 end=1}}} will output the first paragraph of body. Note the triple mustaches


Strips all image tags from a chunk of html

  • {{{removeImageTags body}}} Note the triple mustaches


Replaces an image url with an image service url, serving an appropriately resized image

  • {{#resize 200}}http://images.com/pic.jpg{{/resize}}


Outputs an object as json.

  • {{json obj}} - for use within data attributes and elsewhere in html (will convert '"' to '"' etc..)
  • {{{json obj}}} - for outputting the json unencoded


Decodes a (very limited) safe list* of HTML entities into their respective characters (* = not &, <, >, ", ' or ``)

  • {{decodeHtmlEntities 'lorem&nbsp;ipsum&nbsp;dolar'}} outputs lorem ipsum dolar

Logic helpers


Outputs contents if a thing is equal to a value

  • {{#ifEquals thing 'value'}} some content {{else}} some fallback content {{/ifEquals}}


Outputs contents if a number of things are truthy Note that handlebars has a slightly odd understanding of truthiness

  • {{#ifAll thing1 thing2 thing3}} some content {{else}} some fallback content {{/ifAll}}


Outputs contents if at least one of a number of things is truthy Note that handlebars has a slightly odd understanding of truthiness

  • {{#ifSome thing1 thing2 thing3}} some content {{else}} some fallback content {{/ifSome}}

Iteration helpers


Loop through a subset of items

  • `{{#slice items limit="2" offset="4"}} some content {{/slice}}


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  • 1.3.3

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