Flotiq-Excel migrator
This module migrates Flotiq data to and from an xlsx file. It was made solely for flotiq-cli. However, you can use it independently.
Add this module to your project and import functions from flotiq-xlsx-migrate.js.
Run yarn
to install packages.
is the module's function for exporting Flotiq CTD and CO to the xlsx file.
Call function exportXlsx with options object as an attribute, for example:
let flotiqXlsx = require("flotiq-excel-migrator")
let exportOptions = {
apiKey: "[Flotiq API Key]",
ctdName: "[CTD API Name]"
const exportFromFlotiq = async () => {
let result = await flotiqXlsx.exportXlsx(exportOptions);
Function returns the following information:
- FilePath
- Number of Content Objects for export
- Number of Content Objects successfully exported
- errors data
Options parameters
Options object accepts the following parameters:
- apiKey - API key to your Flotiq account,
- ctdName - API name of Content Type Definition you wish to export,
- filePath (optional) - the directory to which the xlsx file is to be saved, the current directory by default,
- limit (optional) - Number of Content Objects you wish to export, exports up to 10 000 Content Objects by default,
- saveFile (optional) - boolean value determining whether to save the xlsx file in the directory, true by default. If the value is false, the function will return the parameter
with data from Flotiq converted for MS Excel, - logResults (optional) - boolean value determining whether to type out results into the console, true by default.
- Exported CTD is saved as plain text of properties id's. No metadata is being exported.
Max string length
for all values is set to 30.000 because MS Excel has trouble handling text with length > 30 000 in one cell.
Result example
directoryPath: '[_dirname]//test.xlsx',
errors: null,
coTotal: 3,
co_success: 3
is the module's function for importing an xlsx file to Flotiq.
Call function exportXlsx with options object as an attribute, for example:
let flotiqXlsx = require("flotiq-excel-migrator")
let importOptions = {
apiKey: "[Flotiq API Key]",
ctdName: "[CTD API Name]",
filePath: "[path to xlsx file]"
const importToFlotiq = async () => {
let result = await flotiqXlsx.importXlsx(importOptions);
Function returns the following promise: For every sheet in the workbook:
- Number of Content Objects successfully imported
- Number of errors in Content Object import
- errors data (object)
If options validation error occurs, the function will not return the number of errors and CO exported; instead, it will return information about the invalid options parameter.
Options parameters
Options object accepts the following parameters:
- apiKey - API key to your Flotiq account,
- ctdName - API name of Content Type Definition you wish to export,
- filePath - the directory to the xlsx file you wish to import data from,
- limit (optional) - number of Content Objects you wish to import, imports up to 10 000 Content Objects by default,
- logResults (optional) - boolean value determining whether to type out results into the console, true by default.
- updateExisting (optional) - boolean value determining whether to update existing Content Objects, true by default.
- batchLimit (optional) - number of Content Objects imported per batch call, 100 by default.
- valid XLSX file looks just like the one that exportXlsx saves. The first row on the sheet (header) should have the names of CTD's properties. Every following row is a separate Content Object, for example:
id | name | age |
person-1 | John | 30 |
person-2 | Alex | 20 |
- importXlsx allows you to import many sheets from the same workbook. However, these sheets must be dedicated to the same CTD and have this CTD's properties in the header.
- Parameter LIMIT limits the number of Content Objects you will import from XLSX works individually for every sheet in the workbook.
Result example
Notice that the import function gives different results for every sheet from your xlsx file, so to read result errors result.[excel sheet name].sheetErrors
Sheet1: {
sheetImportedCoCount: 98,
sheetErrorsCount: 2,
sheetErrors: [ [Object] ]
Sheet2: {
sheetImportedCoCount: 100,
sheetErrorsCount: 0,
sheetErrors: []
Data mapping
The form in which Flotiq data is exported to / imported from xlsx varies on property type:
Flotiq field property | Form in which data is exported to xlsx |
Text | Text |
Textarea | Text |
Markdown | Text (with markdown syntax) |
Rich text | Text (with HTML tags) |
Text | |
Number | Number (with ms excel's default decimal separator) |
Radio | Text |
Checkbox | TRUE / FALSE |
Select | Text |
Relation | API Url's in the form of text, separated with commas, for example: /api/v1/content/[ctdName]/[coName1],/api/v1/content/[ctdName]/[coName2]
List | JSON |
Geo | JSON |
Media | API Url in form of text, separated with commas, for example: /api/v1/content/_media/[mediaId1],/api/v1/content/_media/[mediaId2]
Date time | Date |
Block | JSON |
Max string length
for all values is set to 30.000 because MS Excel has trouble handling text with length > 30 000 in one cell.