An interactive and animated flocking birds background for React.
This background supports window resizing, horizontal and vertical scrolling, and defining custom obstacles through the use of CSS selectors. User interactivity is included with birds within a proximity being attracted to the mouse's position when the mouse is over the background
The background is provided as a NPM package, so to install run npm install flocking-birds-background
in the root of your React project.
To use, import the background component and place this within the main App
div of your app:
import { FlockingBirdsBackground } from 'flocking-birds-background'
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
An initial number of birds can be chosen by setting the initialBirdCount
prop (this defaults to 150):
<FlockingBirdsBackground initialBirdCount={100}/>
Currently to mark elements as an obstacle which the birds will avoid, give the element a class name of avoider
. (A future update will make the CSS selector configurable)
The behavioural model for the birds has been based off the work done in modelling the movement of starling flocks by Daniel J. G. Pearcea, Adam M. Millera, George Rowlandsa, and Matthew S. Turner at the University of Warwick.
See the following article for more details: https://warwick.ac.uk/newsandevents/pressreleases/the_mystery_behind
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
- Thomas Dove (CasulOrnstein) - https://github.com/CasulOrnstein
- James Ellis (Jamespellis2) - https://github.com/Jamespellis2