Boilerplate and helper functions for redux that can be shared amongst FounderLab apps
Use this to take an action parsed by responseParser and generate a map of lists of model ids grouped by a given key
e.g. here the byLesson property of the state will be a list of file ids that share a lessonId
const byLesson = createGroupByReducer([TYPES.FILE_LOAD + '_SUCCESS'], file => file.lessonId)
state will look like:
byLesson: {
123: {
id: 1,
lessonId: 123
456: {
id: 2,
lessonId: 456
export default function fileReducer(state=defaultState, action={}) {
switch (action.type) {
return = state.mergeDeep({
loading: false,
error: null,
byLesson: byLesson(state.get('byLesson'), action),
Use this to take an action parsed by responseParser and generate a list of model ids grouped by a given key
e.g. here the byLesson property of the state will be a list of file ids that share a lessonId
const byLesson = createGroupByReducer([TYPES.FILE_LOAD + '_SUCCESS'], file => file.lessonId)
export default function fileReducer(state=defaultState, action={}) {
switch (action.type) {
return = state.mergeDeep({
loading: false,
error: null,
byLesson: byLesson(state.get('byLesson'), action),