Server side renderer function for React, used in Frameworkstein apps
Helper method that takes care of a bunch of boilerplate for rendering react components server side.
import _ from 'lodash'
import { createServerRenderer } from 'fl-react-server'
import config from '../config'
import createStore from '../../shared/createStore'
import getRoutes from '../../shared/routes'
import loadInitialState from '../loadInitialState'
import App from '../../shared/modules/app/containers/App'
export default createServerRenderer({
createStore, // Function to create your redux store.
getRoutes, // Function that returns your react-router routes.
config, // Object or function that returns an object.
// Config gets added to your stores initial state.
loadInitialState: (req, callback) => callback(null, state),
// Function called on each request.
// You can load up any extra data to place in your store here.
// It'll be added to the initial state.
omit: 'admin', // String or list of strings
// These properties will be omitted from the stores initial state.
alwaysFetch: App, // Component or list of components that will have their
// fetchData method called on each request.