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Firestore Storage

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Typed repositories for Node around Firestore providing a very simple API to write and query documents.


// Path is /users/{userId}
const user = await{
   email: ''

const user = await userRepo.findById({
  userId: 'some-user-id'

// Path is /restaurants/{restaurantId}/ratings/{ratingId}
const fiveStars = await ratingRepo.list({
	stars: 5
}, { restaurantId: 'some-restaurant-id' });



npm install firestore-storage-core
npm install firestore-storage

Defining collection paths

Collection paths are defined using the CollectionPath class instead of just a string, to provide detailed information for this path. Such as the name of the collection and the name of the id. Defining a root collection path such as /restaurants/{restaurantId} will look like:

const RestaurantsCollection = new CollectionPath('restaurants', 'restaurantId');

When defining subcollections, the parent collection gets passed as the third parameter. Currently, generic types have to be passed as well to have the correct typings in your repositories. A subcollection such as /restaurants/{restaurantId}/ratings/{ratingId} looks like:

const RatingsCollection = new CollectionPath<'ratingId', string, DocumentIds<typeof RestaurantsCollection>>('ratings', 'ratingId', RestaurantsCollection);

Creating repositories

import { BaseRepository } from 'firestore-storage';
import { BaseModel, Repository} from 'firestore-storage-core';

interface Rating extends BaseModel {
	stars: number

	path: RatingsCollection
export class RatingsRepository extends BaseRepository<Rating, RatingsCollection> {


Return value conventions for methods

  • find*() methods return the document or null when no result was found
  • get*() methods always return the document and will throw an error when no result was found
  • list*() methods always return an array and never null or undefined. When no result is found the array is empty

Defining collection paths


// Saving data
const restaurant = await{
	name: 'FreshFoods',
	address: 'SomeStreet 123',
	city: 'New York',
	type: 'vegan'

  id: '0vdxYqEisf5vwJLhyLjA',
  name: 'FreshFoods',
  address: 'SomeStreet 123',
  city: 'New York',
  type: 'vegan',

// Listing all documents
const allRestaurants = await restaurantRepo.list();

// Filtering documents based on attributes
const restaurantsInNewYork = await restaurantRepo.list({
	city: 'New York'

// More complex queries
const date = new Date('2019-02-01');
const restaurants = await restaurantRepo.query((qb) => {
	return qb
		.where('openDate', '<=', date)
		.orderBy('openDate', 'asc');

Running tests on your firestore.rules

This packages provides utilities to run tests against your Firestore rules. You need the @firebase/testing package and the local emulator installed. To install the emulator run $ firebase setup:emulators:firestore

Below is an example of how to run tests against the rules. Create a new instance of FirestoreRuleTest for each test. Add some test data, load the rules and run your assertions. The constructor of FirestoreRuleTest takes the uid of the authenticated user as an argument. This will be the request.auth.uid property which you can read in your rules. Passing no uid will send unauthenticated requests to the emulator.

import {FirestoreRuleTest} from 'firestore-storage';
import * as firebase from "@firebase/testing";

describe('Rules', function () {

	const pathToRules = `${__dirname}/../../../../firestore.rules`;

	before(async () => {
		await FirestoreRuleTest.start();

	after(async () => {
		await FirestoreRuleTest.stop();

	describe('Unauthenticated', function () {

		it('should not be able to read from users', async () => {
			const tc = new FirestoreRuleTest();
			const userId = 'alice';
			const userDoc = tc.firestore.collection('users').doc(userId);
			await userDoc.set({});
			await tc.loadRules(pathToRules);
			await firebase.assertFails(userDoc.get())

	describe('Authenticated', function () {

		it('should not be able to read reservations from different account', async () => {

			const userId1 = 'alice';
			const accountId1 = `account-${userId1}`;
			const userId2 = 'bob';
			const accountId2 = `account-${userId2}`;

			const tc = new FirestoreRuleTest(userId1);
			const userDoc1 = tc.firestore.collection('users').doc(userId1);
			const userDoc2 = tc.firestore.collection('users').doc(userId2);

			await userDoc1.set({accountId: accountId1});
			await userDoc2.set({accountId: accountId2});

			const resColl1 = tc.firestore.collection('accounts').doc(accountId1).collection('reservations');
			const resColl2 = tc.firestore.collection('accounts').doc(accountId2).collection('reservations');

			await resColl1.add({});
			await resColl2.add({});

			await tc.loadRules(pathToRules);

			await firebase.assertSucceeds(resColl1.get());
			await firebase.assertFails(resColl2.get());




Since those values are not in the document itself, they will be added to the returning object when reading from Firestore. You can pass objects with those attributes to the save() function. They will always be omitted and the id will be used as the document id when writing data.


Each repository as well as the FirestoreStorage and MemoryStorage implementations provide a transaction() function.


Create repository classes for each collection you want to query documents from. For example if you want to query documents to query from the users collection you create a class UserRepository extending BaseRepository. Each repository provides a list of functions for saving, querying and deleting documents and you can extend each repository based on your needs.

When extending BaseRepository you have to implement the function getCollectionPath(...ids: string[]). For root collections the ids[] will be empty. For sub-collections this parameter will contain an hierarchically ordered list of parent document ids.

Each function takes multiple ids as its last arguments. Those are the hierarchically ordered list of parent document ids passed to the getCollectionPath(...) function.

The following examples are based on the RestaurantRepository and ReviewRepository created below


Takes a hierarchical ordered list of document ids. Returns the document when found or null

const review = await reviewRepo.findById(restaurantId, reviewId);


Queries the collection to match the given arguments, returns the first result or null if none is found.

const review = await reviewRepo.find({
	rating: 5
}, restaurantId);


Works exactly like findById but throws an error if no document was found


Works exactly like find but throws an error if no document was found


Query a list of documents with a set of given arguments. This function always returns an array. If no results were found the array will be empty

const allOneStarRatings = await reviewRepo.list({
	rating: 1
}, restaurantId);


Do more complex queries like greater than and lower than comparisons.

const reviews = await reviewRepo.query(() => {
	return qb
		.where('rating', '==', 2)
		.where('submitDate', '<', new Date('2019-12-31'));
}, restaurantId);

Valid operators are == | < | <= | > | >=

QueryBuilder functions

qb.where(fieldName, operator, value)
qb.orderBy(fieldName, direction) // 'asc' or 'desc'


Returns an array of documents for a given array of ids. The array will contain null values if some documents aren't found

const r = await restaurantRepo.findAll([id1, id2]);


Returns an array of documents for a given array of ids. The array won't contain null values. If a document doesn't exists, an error will be thrown

const r = await restaurantRepo.getAll([id1, id2]);


Saves a document into Firestore.

const restaurant = await{
	name: 'Ebi'

If you want to update data you just have to pass the id of the document.

const user = await{
	id: '8zCW4UszD0wmdrpBNswp',
	name: 'Ebi',
	openDate: new Date()

By default this will create the document with this id if it doesn't exist or merge the properties into the existing document. If you want to write a document and instead of don't merge use the [write()][write] function


Sets the passed data. If the document exists it will be overwritten.

const user = await restaurantRepo.write({
	name: 'FreshBurgers',
	openDate: new Date()


Deletes a document by a given id

// For a nested collection
await reviewRepo.delete(restaurantId, reviewId);
// For a root level collection
await restaurantRepo.delete(restaurantId);


Takes an update function and an array of ids. Find more about transactions at the Firestore documentation

const result = await restaurantRepo.transaction((trx) => {
	const u = trx.get('some-id'); = 'Burger Store';
	return 'done';

Extending BaseRepository

export class RestaurantRepository extends BaseRepository<Restaurant> {

	getCollectionPath(...documentIds: string[]): string {
		return 'restaurants';

When creating repositories for nested collection it's always a good idea to check if the correct ids are passed into getCollectionPath(...).

export class ReviewRepository<T> extends BaseRepository<Review> {

	getCollectionPath(...documentIds): string {
		const id = documentIds.shift();
		if (!id) {
			throw new Error('RestaurantId id is missing');
		return `restaurants/${id}/reviews`;

This will throw an error when trying to save or query without passing the user id.

await{...}); // Throws and error
await{...}, '<restaurantId>'); // Succeeds


This package provides a base class to migrate data in Firestore. For more info look at this example

Typing indexes

Use the IndexManager class to build your index structure and the provided fss script to generate the firestore.indexes.json. Look at src/test/storage/index_manager_example.ts to see how to use the IndexManager. Then run:

$ fss generate:index <input-path-to-js> <output-path-to-json>

The fss script gets added as a script to your node_modules

Custom error

The query functions get and getById will throw an error if the document doesn't exist. If you want to throw an custom error you can do that by passing an error factory.

export class HttpError extends Error {
	constructor(msg: string, public code: number) {

const errorFactory = (msg) => {
	return new HttpError(msg, 404);

Using Inversify

FirestoreStorageModule.createWithFirestore(admin.firestore(), errorFactory)

Using vanilla Typescript

class RestaurantRepository extends BaseRepository<Restaurant> {

	constructor() {
		super(storage, errorFactory);

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  • dominicbartl