
0.2.2 • Public • Published


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Find Git repositories in a directory and it's subfolders and return an array of paths to the found repositories.


findGitRepos(pathToSearch, progressCallback, options): Promise<string[]>


  • pathToSearch: path to search for repositories in.
  • progressCallback: function to be called with an array of found repositories.
    • Definition: progressCallback(repositories: string[]): boolean.
    • As optional, we could return true from the progress callback to cancel the search.
  • options: optional object with the following properties:
    • throttleTimeoutMS: optional number of milliseconds to wait before calling the progress callback.
    • maxSubfolderDeep: optional maximum number of subfolders to search in.

Basic example

const findGitRepos = require('find-git-repositories');
findGitRepos('some/path', repos => console.log('progress:', repos))
  .then(allFoundRepositories => console.log('all the repositories found in this search:', allFoundRepositories));

Example with options

const findGitRepos = require('find-git-repositories');
  repos => {
    console.log('progress:', repos);
    return shouldCancelSearch(); // Return true to cancel the search
    throttleTimeoutMS: 100, // Only call the progress callback every 100ms
    maxSubfolderDeep: 2 // Only search in the first 2 subfolders
  allFoundRepositories => console.log('all the repositories found in this search:', allFoundRepositories)

How to build

Run yarn or yarn install to install dependencies and build the native addon in release mode.

How to run tests

Run yarn test.

How to debug (in VS Code and MacOS)

  1. Install CodeLLBD addon for VS Code.
  2. Modify the main property in the package.json file to point to debug instead of release: "main": "build/Debug/findGitRepos.node",.
  3. Create a .vscode/launch.json file with the following content:
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "lldb",
      "request": "attach",
      "name": "Attach",
      "pid": "${command:pickMyProcess}" // use ${command:pickProcess} to pick other users' processes
  1. Create a .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json file with a similar content:
   "configurations": [
        "name": "Mac",
        "includePath": [
            "/Users/MY_USER/.nvm/versions/node/v20.14.0/include/node/**" // enter your node path here
        "defines": [],
        "macFrameworkPath": [
        "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/clang",
        "cStandard": "c17",
        "cppStandard": "c++17",
        "intelliSenseMode": "macos-clang-x64"
    "version": 4
  1. Create a .vscode/settings.json file with the following content:
  "files.associations": {
    "__bit_reference": "cpp",
    "__bits": "cpp",
    "__config": "cpp",
    "__debug": "cpp",
    "__errc": "cpp",
    "__functional_base": "cpp",
    "__hash_table": "cpp",
    "__locale": "cpp",
    "__mutex_base": "cpp",
    "__node_handle": "cpp",
    "__nullptr": "cpp",
    "__split_buffer": "cpp",
    "__string": "cpp",
    "__threading_support": "cpp",
    "__tuple": "cpp",
    "algorithm": "cpp",
    "array": "cpp",
    "atomic": "cpp",
    "bit": "cpp",
    "bitset": "cpp",
    "cctype": "cpp",
    "chrono": "cpp",
    "clocale": "cpp",
    "cmath": "cpp",
    "complex": "cpp",
    "cstdarg": "cpp",
    "cstddef": "cpp",
    "cstdint": "cpp",
    "cstdio": "cpp",
    "cstdlib": "cpp",
    "cstring": "cpp",
    "ctime": "cpp",
    "cwchar": "cpp",
    "cwctype": "cpp",
    "exception": "cpp",
    "functional": "cpp",
    "initializer_list": "cpp",
    "ios": "cpp",
    "iosfwd": "cpp",
    "istream": "cpp",
    "iterator": "cpp",
    "limits": "cpp",
    "list": "cpp",
    "locale": "cpp",
    "memory": "cpp",
    "mutex": "cpp",
    "new": "cpp",
    "optional": "cpp",
    "ostream": "cpp",
    "ratio": "cpp",
    "sstream": "cpp",
    "stdexcept": "cpp",
    "streambuf": "cpp",
    "string": "cpp",
    "string_view": "cpp",
    "system_error": "cpp",
    "tuple": "cpp",
    "type_traits": "cpp",
    "typeinfo": "cpp",
    "unordered_map": "cpp",
    "utility": "cpp",
    "vector": "cpp"
  1. Run npx node-gyp rebuild --debug to install dependencies and build the native addon in debug mode.
  2. Run your app with the debugger attached in VSCode and add a breakpoint.
  3. When it stops at the breakpoint, run in the console: and copy the process number to use in the next step.
  4. In the find-git-repositories VSCode project, click on the Attach button in the debug toolbar and enter the process number from the previous step.
  5. Add breakpoints where ever you want to start debugging.

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npm i find-git-repositories

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  • implausibility
  • gk-dev