
0.2.1 • Public • Published

File system database (filesys-db)

filesys-db is a database system that manages your json files on your file system. This package is meant to be lightweight and intuitive to use.


npm install --save filesys-db

Data store

Data are stored as json files under the database base path, node_modules/filesys-db/[database name]/. filesys-db is heavily influenced by MongoDB and used terms like documents, collections and databases. Below is a table explaining what they are, you should be quite familiar with them if you had experience in MongoDB.

Term RDBMS equivilent Description
Document Record Document is a list of datum.
Collection Table Collection groups a number of documents of usually the same type.
Database Database Database groups a number of Collection.

A simple example that would illustrate their relations well.

School (database)
 |-- Students (collection)
 |   |-- {"name": "Jason", "age": 21} (document)
 |   |-- {"name": "Margaret", "age": 18} (document)
 |-- Classrooms (collection)
 |   |-- {"room_number": "A3", "capacity": 40} (document)
 |   |-- {"room_number": "e03", "capacity": 100} (document)   
 |   |-- {"room_number": "308", "capacity": 32} (document)   
 |   |-- {"room_number": "B3", "capacity": 40} (document)



This section is intended to describe how to perform database operations with filesys-db.

Database (managing collections)

Initialising filesys-db

  • require('filesys-db')([db_name]);
    • db_name by default is 'filesys-db'
    • this essentially creates a directory at ./node_modules/filesys-db/[db_name]/
    • synchronous method

Creating collections

  • db.createCollection(collection_name);
    • collection_name is unique to the database; meaning that no duplication would be allowed.
    • this essentially creates a json file at ./node_modules/filesys-db/[db_name]/
    • synchronous method

Getting collections

  • db.getCollection(collection_name)
    • synchronous function

Removing collections

  • db.dropCollection(collection_name);
    • synchronous function

Collection (managing documents)

After reproducing the school-db data model, we could try querying, manipulating and removing the data.

Inserting documents

  • collection.put(document, [callback])
    • document is only guaranteed to be inserted inside the callback function body.
    • nothing is passed to the callback.
    • asynchronous method

Finding documents

  • collection.find(query, [callback]);
    • query can be of type (Array|Function|Object|string)
    • used lodash's _.filter function
    • Array of documents matching query will be passed to the callback
    • synchronous function (recommend to use callback)
  • collection.findOne(query, callback);
    • query can be of type (Array|Function|Object|string)
    • used lodash's _.find function
    • First document which matches the query will be passed to the callback
    • synchronous function (recommend to use callback)

Updating documents

  • collection.update(query, update, [callback]);
    • query|update can be of type (Array|Function|Object|string)
    • used lodash's _.filter function
    • queried documents will inherits update's properties if update is an object
    • if update is a function, each queried document will be passed into update and update should have it's property updated.
    • the documents updated will be passed to the callback
    • asynchronous method

Removing documents

  • collection.remove(query, [callback]);
    • query can be of type (Array|Function|Object|string)
    • used lodash's _.filter function
    • removed documents will be passed to the callback
    • asynchronous function

School database example

The school database example can be quickly reproduced with filesys-db:

We can use the nodejs interactive shell for this.

bash> node
> var db = require('filesys-db')('school-db');

in this example, we store our json files at ./node_modules/filesys-db/school-db/.

The database is now initialised. Let's create the collections.

> var students = db.createCollection('students');
> var classrooms = db.createCollection('classrooms');

Let's insert some students data into the students collection.

> students.put({"name": "Jason", "age": 21}, function(){
...   students.put({"name": "Margaret", "age": 18});
... });

Note: we should not execute the two put without any of them nested in other's call back. Collections operations are asynchronous.

To avoid callback hell, we could actually put multiple documents into a collection all at once.

> classrooms.put([{"room_number": "A3", "capacity": 40},
                  {"room_number": "e03", "capacity": 100},
                  {"room_number": "308", "capacity": 32},                  
                  {"room_number": "B3", "capacity": 40}]);

Now we have everything set. The principle of the school ordered us to change something on the database. However before any change, we have to obtain the reference to the collections. It is actually very simple with just few lines of code:

// connects to school-db
var db = require('filesys-db')('school-db');
// get the references to students and classrooms collections
var students   = db.getCollection('students');
var classrooms = db.getCollection('classrooms');

Now let's say we want to find the classrooms that have capacity >= 40 and the room has exactly capacity=40.

  return classroom.capacity >= 40;
}, function(classrooms){
/* Result: [ { room_number: 'A3', capacity: 40 },
           { room_number: 'e03', capacity: 100 },
           { room_number: 'B3', capacity: 40 } ] */
classrooms.find({capacity: 40}, function(classrooms){
/* Result: [ { room_number: 'A3', capacity: 40 },
           { room_number: 'B3', capacity: 40 } ] */

Let's say we want to find out how old is Margaret. We could do the following.

students.findOne({name: "Margaret"}, function(margaret){
// Result: 18

The school is reconstructed and all rooms have their capacity increased by 20%. Let's see how are we going to reflect this on filesys-db.

classrooms.update({}, function(classroom){
  classroom.capacity *= 1+20%;
}, function(classrooms){
/* Result: [{"room_number": "A3", "capacity": 48},
            {"room_number": "e03", "capacity": 120},
            {"room_number": "308", "capacity": 38.4},                  
            {"room_number": "B3", "capacity": 48}] */

Let's have another example, classrooms with capacity > 100 are donated by "John". To reflect this:

  return classroom>100;
}, {donator: 'John'}, function(classrooms){
  console.log("John has donated these classrooms:");

Margaret has pissed Jason off one day and Jason has decided to hack into the school-db and delete Margaret from the database. He ran the following scripts to do so.

students.remove({name: 'Margaret'}, function(students){
  var margaret = students[0];
  console.log("she is gone at the age of " + margaret.age + ".");


npm run test

To do ideas

  • binary that interacts with database
    • e.g. fsdb collection ls -> collection1, collection2, collection3...
  • refactor tests




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  • ycm.jason