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farm allows allows you to create a resilient multi-process architecture from your CLI. It's based on worker-farm.

Note: See examples for common user case.


First, install the library globally:

$ npm install farm-cli --global

Additionally, you can invoke it using npx:

$ npx farm-cli

Getting Started

Basic Usage

You need to specify a file and export a main method as entry point.

const createLog = n => (...args) => console.log(`[#${n}${args}`)
module.exports = function (opts, exit) {
  const { isMaster, maxWorkers, worker } = opts
  log(`I'm worker ${worker + 1} of ${maxWorkers} ${isMaster ? '(master)' : ''}`)

Finally, invoke the file using farm:

$ farm examples/basic
[#0] Hello I'm worker 1 of 4 (master)
[#1] Hello I'm worker 2 of 4
[#2] Hello I'm worker 3 of 4
[#3] Hello I'm worker 4 of 4

Creating Your Own Farm

By default, the library will create as many processes as number of CPUs in the machine and a thread per process.

Let's use the same example but this time specifying multiple threads per process

$ farm examples/basic --threads=2
[#0] Hello I'm worker 1 of 8 (master)
[#1] Hello I'm worker 2 of 8
[#2] Hello I'm worker 3 of 8
[#4] Hello I'm worker 4 of 8
[#5] Hello I'm worker 5 of 8
[#6] Hello I'm worker 6 of 8
[#7] Hello I'm worker 7 of 8
[#8] Hello I'm worker 8 of 8

This time the farm has 2 threads per process (2 threads * 4 cores = 8 workers).

Type farm --help to know more.

Passing File Arguments

The parameters passed after the filename will used as file arguments:

$ farm examples/fiboniacci --memoize
[#0] Enable memoize mode!

Load Configuration File

The same things passed to farm from a .farmrc file created in the same directory.

$ ls -al examples/load-config
-rw-r--r--@ 1  50 Jan 21  2017 .farmrc
-rw-r--r--@ 1 105 Nov 26  2017
-rw-r--r--@ 1  50 Jan 21  2017 index.js

Resilient Errors

If a process unexpectedly dies for any reason, it automagically re-enter.

This can be adjusted using --retries flag.

Type farm --help to know more.

Finishing the Execution

When you want to finish, call the second argument:

module.exports = function (opts, exit) {
  const { worker } = opts
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log(`[#${worker}] bye bye!`)

It will finish gracefully when all the threads exit.

Debug Mode

If you need to debug, enable it passing DEBUG=farm as environment variable

DEBUG=farm examples/fiboniacci --memoize


farm-cli © Kiko Beats, released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Kiko Beats with help from contributors. · GitHub Kiko Beats · Twitter @Kikobeats

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