Factory Map
Extension of ECMAScript 6 Map to provide default values where no key exists.
Replace code like:
let map = Map();
// ...
let foo = map.get('foo');
if (foo === undefined) {
map.set('foo', 1);
let map = FactoryMap();
// ...
let foo = map.get('foo', () => 1);
Use just like a normal ECMAScript 6 Map with the following two additions:
- Provide an optional factory function to get(). If the key does not exist in the map, then the factory function is called to create a value. This value is inserted into the map at the given key and returned.
let map = new FactoryMap(); // create empty map
let value = map.get('foo', key => 'bar') // query for a key that does not exist
console.log(value); // print 'bar'
- Provide an optional factory function to as the last parameter to FactoryMap constructor. This factory function applies to all calls to get(). A factory function can still be passed to get() to override.
let map1 = new FactoryMap(key => 'bar');
let value1 = map1.get('foo')
console.log(value1); // 'bar'
let map2 = new FactoryMap([['baz', 'x']], key => 'bar');
let value2 = map2.get('foo')
console.log(value2); // 'bar'
let map3 = new FactoryMap(key => 'bar');
let value3 = map3.get('foo', key => 'bat')
console.log(value3); // 'bat'
Distributed under MIT license
Feedback and contributions are welcome. All code changes should be accompanied by suitable tests to be run with:
npm test