Extends res
object with semantic method that correspondes to description/message/reason phrase associated with HTTP status code, thus shortening sending HTTP response by using self descriptive methods instead of codes and forcing usage of human readable part of HTTP statuses and adding more meaning to REST API.
Under the hood
Methods are built on top of Express methods .json()
, .send()
, .end()
, so you can treat them the same.
So, invoking a method, e.g res.ok(data)
, is the same as doing res.status(200).json(data)
If there is an err in the middleware, it will be passed down the stack (calling next(err)
), so you can place your err-handler at the end and handle the err.
It uses Node.JS' built-in module http
, namely, its STATUS_CODES
object, from which it creates methods from description property, and assigns(defines, actually) them to res
Why http
exports list in a nice, code-desc format, it comes with Node.JS, and parsing from other sources could be planned for some later upgrade
Use any standard (cannot use custom codes) HTTP code's description/message/reason phrase in a camelCase format, for example:
418 I'm a teapot
would be used as:
res.imATeapot('I\'m a teapot, have some tea... C(_)/¨');
and, instead of:
you have:
and instead of:
you have:
But, if you still prefer codes, you can use codes as methods:
Example usage:
;; const route = ; // plug-in middleware before your routes// .json() handler is default,// pass 'send', 'end' or 'none' to use them,// read further for explanationroute; route; // etc.
Setting response end handlers
You can chose one of Express' response handlers by providing one of the options as endHandler
: default, to use.json()
, equals:res.status(code).json(body);
: to use.send()
, equals:res.status(code).send(body);
: to use.end()
, equals:res.status(code).end(body);
: to only set up status code, it doesn't end response, equals:res.status(code);
// to use `.send()`, pass 'send' as an arg// when setting up middlewareapp;//...and in routes:res;
// use your own wayapp;//...// not really handy, but stillres;
Middleware helper methods
- lists all available methods with code and descres.resStatusCode(code);
- returns code and description for provided code (code param can beNumber
resresStatusAll; // array with `{method, code, desc}` fromatres; //{ method: 'badRequest', code: '400', desc: 'Bad Request' }// ...and if code is not found...res) // { error: 'No such code' }
res[method] helper methods
- gets specific method's HTTP coderes.[method].desc
- gets specific method's HTTP description
resokcode; // 200resokdesc; // 'OK'
See also full full example
run example locally
npm inpm start
Visit: http://localhost:1337
Enter ?status=ok
' or ?status=200
in address bar to get ok
method HTTP response, or any other available method as value of status
key, as a string or number.
Methods list
Besides using res.resStatusAll
For (fresh) full list of methods:
npm igulp
- add html and xml handlers
- add tests for the rest of end handlers
- handle special cases (like some 1xx, 3xx etc.)
- fix linting
dump of methods list at the time of creating readme
res[method] |
Code | Desc/reason phrase |
res.continue(); | 100 | Continue |
res.switchingProtocols(); | 101 | Switching Protocols |
res.processing(); | 102 | Processing |
res.ok(); | 200 | OK |
res.created(); | 201 | Created |
res.accepted(); | 202 | Accepted |
res.nonAuthoritativeInformation(); | 203 | Non-Authoritative Information |
res.noContent(); | 204 | No Content |
res.resetContent(); | 205 | Reset Content |
res.partialContent(); | 206 | Partial Content |
res.multiStatus(); | 207 | Multi-Status |
res.alreadyReported(); | 208 | Already Reported |
res.imUsed(); | 226 | IM Used |
res.multipleChoices(); | 300 | Multiple Choices |
res.movedPermanently(); | 301 | Moved Permanently |
res.found(); | 302 | Found |
res.seeOther(); | 303 | See Other |
res.notModified(); | 304 | Not Modified |
res.useProxy(); | 305 | Use Proxy |
res.temporaryRedirect(); | 307 | Temporary Redirect |
res.permanentRedirect(); | 308 | Permanent Redirect |
res.badRequest(); | 400 | Bad Request |
res.unauthorized(); | 401 | Unauthorized |
res.paymentRequired(); | 402 | Payment Required |
res.forbidden(); | 403 | Forbidden |
res.notFound(); | 404 | Not Found |
res.methodNotAllowed(); | 405 | Method Not Allowed |
res.notAcceptable(); | 406 | Not Acceptable |
res.proxyAuthenticationRequired(); | 407 | Proxy Authentication Required |
res.requestTimeout(); | 408 | Request Timeout |
res.conflict(); | 409 | Conflict |
res.gone(); | 410 | Gone |
res.lengthRequired(); | 411 | Length Required |
res.preconditionFailed(); | 412 | Precondition Failed |
res.payloadTooLarge(); | 413 | Payload Too Large |
res.uriTooLong(); | 414 | URI Too Long |
res.unsupportedMediaType(); | 415 | Unsupported Media Type |
res.rangeNotSatisfiable(); | 416 | Range Not Satisfiable |
res.expectationFailed(); | 417 | Expectation Failed |
res.imATeapot(); | 418 | I'm a teapot |
res.misdirectedRequest(); | 421 | Misdirected Request |
res.unprocessableEntity(); | 422 | Unprocessable Entity |
res.locked(); | 423 | Locked |
res.failedDependency(); | 424 | Failed Dependency |
res.unorderedCollection(); | 425 | Unordered Collection |
res.upgradeRequired(); | 426 | Upgrade Required |
res.preconditionRequired(); | 428 | Precondition Required |
res.tooManyRequests(); | 429 | Too Many Requests |
res.requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge(); | 431 | Request Header Fields Too Large |
res.unavailableForLegalReasons(); | 451 | Unavailable For Legal Reasons |
res.internalServerError(); | 500 | Internal Server Error |
res.notImplemented(); | 501 | Not Implemented |
res.badGateway(); | 502 | Bad Gateway |
res.serviceUnavailable(); | 503 | Service Unavailable |
res.gatewayTimeout(); | 504 | Gateway Timeout |
res.httpVersionNotSupported(); | 505 | HTTP Version Not Supported |
res.variantAlsoNegotiates(); | 506 | Variant Also Negotiates |
res.insufficientStorage(); | 507 | Insufficient Storage |
res.loopDetected(); | 508 | Loop Detected |
res.bandwidthLimitExceeded(); | 509 | Bandwidth Limit Exceeded |
res.notExtended(); | 510 | Not Extended |
res.networkAuthenticationRequired(); | 511 | Network Authentication Required |