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1.0.9 • Public • Published


JsonWebToken (JWT) manager for express,

This module managing the authentication using JSON Web Tokens for express application. and allow you to encrypt the tokens and blacklist sign out tokens,

this module also has middleware for authenticate and sign out


$ npm install express-jsonwebtoken


Before you can use this package in your app, you must initial it by this code: (the jwt.secret property is required for using this package)

var jwtExpress = require('express-jsonwebtoken');
var jwtManager = new JwtExpress({
    jwt: {
        secret: 'mySecretShouldNeverBeTold',


Sign method

jwtExpress.sign(payload, [options = {}, callback = null])

Sign your payload with the initiated options for jwt.options. payload: data you want to sign with jwt algorithm options: override the initiated options to sign with.Must be type of object. callback: should use callback function instead of return sync value of the sign method. callback sign: function(Error|null,null|String)

Verify method

jwtExpress.verify(token, [options = {}, callback = null, onlyPayload = true]) {

verify the token and return the payload value, using jwt.options as default options token: token to be verified and get payload from options: override the initiated options to sign with.Must be type of object. callback: should use callback function instead of return sync value of the sign method. callback sign: function(Error|null,null|String) onlyPayload: indicate if return the payload data only or the whole token data

Decode method

WARNING: this method not validate the token before exclude the payload and open possebility for injections

jwtExpress.decode(token, [options = {}, callback = null, onlyPayload = true]) {

verify the token and return the payload value, using jwt.refresh.options as default options token: token to be verified and get payload from options: override the initiated options to sign with.Must be type of object. callback: should use callback function instead of return sync value of the sign method. callback sign: function(Error|null,null|String) onlyPayload: indicate if return the payload data only or the whole token data

Sign Refresh method

jwtExpress.signRefresh(payload, [options = {}, callback = null])

Sign your payload with the initiated options for jwt.refresh.options. payload: data you want to sign with jwt algorithm options: override the initiated options to sign with.Must be type of object. callback: should use callback function instead of return sync value of the sign method. callback sign: function(Error|null,null|String)

Verify Refresh method

jwtExpress.verifyRefresh(token, [options = {}, callback = null, onlyPayload = true]) {

verify the token and return the payload value, using jwt.refresh.options as default options token: token to be verified and get payload from options: override the initiated options to sign with.Must be type of object. callback: should use callback function instead of return sync value of the sign method. callback sign: function(Error|null,null|String) onlyPayload: indicate if return the payload data only or the whole token data


JWT middleware

middleware for authenticate users by jwt token. If the token is valid, req.user (or any other property that preset on init method) will be set with the token payload data


var jwtExpress = require('express-jsonwebtoken');
var jwtManager = new JwtExpress({
    jwt: {
        secret: 'mySecretShouldNeverBeTold',
            tokenPayloadKey: 'user'

      // any option override available
  function(req, res) {
    // your logic goes here
    // example
    if (!req.user.isAdmin) {
        return res.sendStatus(401);

Sign Out middleware

middleware for sign out user that add to blacklist the user token. for really make this work, you must enable blacklist on init, jwt:{useBlacklist = true}


var jwtExpress = require('express-jsonwebtoken');
var jwtManager = new JwtExpress({
    jwt: {
        secret: 'mySecretShouldNeverBeTold',
        useBlacklist: true

      // any option override available
  function(req, res) {

Refresh Token Middleware

middleware for refreshing jwt token (for using default refresh middleware, you must sign & refreshSign with the exact same payload)


var jwtExpress = require('express-jsonwebtoken');
var jwtManager = new JwtExpress({
    jwt: {
        secret: 'mySecretShouldNeverBeTold',
        useBlacklist: true

      // any jwt option override available
  }, {
    // any refresh options override avaible
  function(req, res) {

All Params explanation and defaults

The only required param is jwt.secret value

new JwtExpress({
    jwt: {
        options: {
            algorithm: 'HS256',
            expiresIn: '5m',
            // notBefore: undefined,
            // audience: undefined,
            // issuer: undefined,
            // jwtid: undefined,
            // subject: undefined,
            // noTimestamp: undefined,
            // header: undefined,
            // keyid: undefined,
            // mutatePayload: false
        refresh: {
            options: {
                algorithm: 'HS256',
                expiresIn: '7d',
                // notBefore: undefined,
                // audience: undefined,
                // issuer: undefined,
                // jwtid: undefined,
                // subject: undefined,
                // noTimestamp: undefined,
                // header: undefined,
                // keyid: undefined,
                // mutatePayload: false
            getToken: (req) => {
                const refreshToken = req.header('refresh-token');
                if (refreshToken && typeof refreshToken === "string") {
                    const parts = refreshToken.split(' ');
                    if (parts.length === 2) {
                        const scheme = parts[0];
                        const token = parts[1];

                        if (scheme === "Bearer") {
                            return token;
                        } else {
                            throw new JwtExpressError(JwtExpressError.ErrorCodes.INVALID_TOKEN_SCHEMA);
                    } else {
                        throw new JwtExpressError(JwtExpressError.ErrorCodes.INVALID_TOKEN);
                } else if (req.query.token) {
                    return req.query.token
                } else {
                    throw new JwtExpressError(JwtExpressError.ErrorCodes.MISSING_TOKEN);
        secret: null,
        useEncrypt: false,
        useBlacklist: false,
        getToken: (req) => {
            const authorizationHeader = req.header('authorization')
            if (authorizationHeader && typeof authorizationHeader === "string") {
                const parts = authorizationHeader.split(' ');
                if (parts.length === 2) {
                    const scheme = parts[0];
                    const token = parts[1];

                    if (scheme === "Bearer") {
                        return token;
                    } else {
                        throw new JwtExpressError(JwtExpressError.ErrorCodes.INVALID_TOKEN_SCHEMA);
                } else {
                    throw new JwtExpressError(JwtExpressError.ErrorCodes.INVALID_TOKEN);
            } else if (req.query.token) {
                return req.query.token;
            } else {
                throw new JwtExpressError(JwtExpressError.ErrorCodes.MISSING_TOKEN);
        middleware: {
            tokenPayloadKey: 'user',
        blacklist: {
            driverName: 'memory',
            driverParams: {
                clearExpiredItemsInterval: '5m',
                clearExpiredItemsIntervalDelay: null,
    encryption: {
        algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc',
    localization: {
        responses: {
            UNKNOWN_ERROR: {
                httpCode: 500,
                message: 'Unknown error, please try again later.',
            MISSING_TOKEN: {
                httpCode: 400,
                message: 'Missing token param.',
                httpCode: 400,
                message: 'Token schema is not allowed.',
            INVALID_TOKEN: {
                httpCode: 401,
                message: 'Invalid token.',
            CORRUPTED_TOKEN: {
                httpCode: 400,
                message: 'Corrupted token.',
            TOKEN_BLACKLISTED: {
                httpCode: 401,
                message: 'Token in blacklist.',
            TOKEN_EXPIRED: {
                httpCode: 401,
                message: 'Token in expired.',
            JWT_MALFORMED: {
                httpCode: 400,
                message: 'Jwt token malformed.',
                httpCode: 400,
                message: 'Jwt signature is required.',
            INVALID_SIGNATURE: {
                httpCode: 400,
                message: 'Invalid signature.',
                httpCode: 400,
                message: 'Jwt audience invalid. expected: ${expected}',
            JWT_ISSUER_INVALID: {
                httpCode: 400,
                message: 'Jwt issuer invalid. expected: ${expected}.',
            JWT_ID_INVALID: {
                httpCode: 400,
                message: 'Jwt id invalid. expected: ${expected}',
            JWT_SUBJECT_INVALID: {
                httpCode: 400,
                message: 'Jwt subject invalid. expected ${expected}',


  • jwt
    • options:
      • algorithm:

        Eg: 'HS256' , 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS512'

      • expiresIn:
        • Type: String, Number.
        • Explanation: expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span zeit/ms.
        • Defaults: '5m' - 5 minutes

        Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d". A numeric value is interpreted as a seconds count. If you use a string be sure you provide the time units (days, hours, etc), otherwise milliseconds unit is used by default ("120" is equal to "120ms").

      • Other options and more details can be found here
    • refresh: {
      • options:
        • algorithm:

          Eg: 'HS256' , 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS512'

        • expiresIn:
          • Type: String, Number.
          • Explanation: expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span zeit/ms.
          • Defaults: '7d' - 7 days

          Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d". A numeric value is interpreted as a seconds count. If you use a string be sure you provide the time units (days, hours, etc), otherwise milliseconds unit is used by default ("120" is equal to "120ms").

        • Other options and more details can be found here
      • getToken:
        • Type: function(Object: expressRequestObject)
        • Explanation: function that extract the token from the request
        • Defaults: look for refresh-token header
    • secret:
      • Type: String.
      • Explanation: secret hash for the token validation.
      • Defaults: No defaults and Required for using the module.
    • useEncrypt:
      • Type: Boolean.
      • Explanation: indicate encryption for the token. if true, the encryption.secret param is Required
      • Defaults: false
    • useBlacklist:
      • Type: Boolean.
      • Explanation: indicate using blacklist tokens. if true, read about jwt.blacklist param for more details
      • Defaults: false
    • getToken:
      • Type: function(Object: expressRequestObject)
      • Explanation: function that extract the token from the request
      • Defaults: look for authorization header
    • middleware:
      • tokenPayloadKey:
        • Type: String.
        • Explanation: choose on which key the parsed token should set on request object,

        Eg: req[key] = parsed token`

        • Defaults: 'user'

        Eg: req.user

    • blacklist:
      • driverName: 'memory',
        • Type: String.
        • Explanation: select the desired driver for handle blacklist

        Note: Other than memory will coming soon

        • Defaults: 'memory'
      • driverParams:
        • clearExpiredItemsInterval:
          • Type: String.
          • Explanation: set interval time for clearing expired tokens from blacklist, in seconds or a string describing a time span zeit/ms.
          • Defaults: '5m' - 5 minutes

          Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d". A numeric value is interpreted as a seconds count. If you use a string be sure you provide the time units (days, hours, etc), otherwise milliseconds unit is used by default ("120" is equal to "120ms").

        • clearExpiredItemsIntervalDelay: null,
          • Type: String || null.
          • Explanation: delay the first interval time for clearing expired tokens from blacklist, in seconds or a string describing a time span zeit/ms.
          • Defaults: null - no delay

          Eg: 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d". A numeric value is interpreted as a seconds count. If you use a string be sure you provide the time units (days, hours, etc), otherwise milliseconds unit is used by default ("120" is equal to "120ms").

      • customInstance: null,
  • encryption:
    • algorithm:
      • Type: String.
      • Explanation: select the desired encryption algorithm

      Note: Other than aes-256-cbc will coming soon

      • Defaults: 'aes-256-cbc'
  • localization:
    • responses:
      • Type: Object.
      • Explanation: select the desired encryption algorithm

      Note: Must be Object with all keys as the file

      • Defaults:

response object

module.exports = {
         httpCode: 500,
         message: 'Unknown error, please try again later.',
         httpCode: 400,
         message: 'Missing token param.',
         httpCode: 400,
         message: 'Token schema is not allowed.',
         httpCode: 401,
         message: 'Invalid token.',
         httpCode: 400,
         message: 'Corrupted token.',
         httpCode: 401,
         message: 'Token in blacklist.',
         httpCode: 401,
         message: 'Token in expired.',
         httpCode: 400,
         message: 'Jwt token malformed.',
         httpCode: 400,
         message: 'Jwt signature is required.',
         httpCode: 400,
         message: 'Invalid signature.',
         httpCode: 400,
         message: 'Jwt audience invalid. expected: ${expected}',
         httpCode: 400,
         message: 'Jwt issuer invalid. expected: ${expected}.',
         httpCode: 400,
         message: 'Jwt id invalid. expected: ${expected}',
         httpCode: 400,
         message: 'Jwt subject invalid. expected ${expected}',


Ran, Nofar, Yogev, Yaron


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • yaronel