TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.7 • Public • Published

🖲 expo-notifee-plugin

Expo platforms GitHub npm

⭐️ Features



🔧 Installation


yarn add expo-notifee-plugin


npm install --save expo-notifee-plugin

🎛 Setup

  1. Add it to your plugins in your app.json file:
  "expo": {
    "plugins": [
          "developmentTeam": "MYDEVTEAMID"
  1. Run npx expo prebuild -p ios
  2. Run yarn ios


If you use app.config.ts for example:

import { ExpoConfig } from 'expo/config';
import { TExpoNotifeeRemote } from 'expo-notifee-plugin';

const notifeeOptions: TExpoNotifeeRemote = {
   * Apple App Groups. If none specified, it will create one: `group.${bundleIdentifier}`.
   * @example appGroups: ['com.app.company']
   * @link https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com_apple_security_application-groups
  appGroups: string[];
   * @description
   * Use a custom relative (from project root) path for the NotifeeNotificationService.
   * - You can adapt `expo-notifee-plugin/ios/NotifeeNotificationService.swift`
   * - Warning! It should be named `NotifeeNotificationService`! Doesn't matter if you use
   * Swift or Objective-C!
   * @examples
   * - src/notifications/NotifeeNotificationService.swift
   * - src/notifications/NotifeeNotificationService.m
  customNotificationServicePath?: string;
  developmentTeam: string;
   * An array containing the sound file names (including file extensions)
   * @example soundFiles: ['dm.aiff']
   * */
  soundFiles?: string[];
  /** Path of the folder that contains the sound. Relative to the app.config.js file.
   * @example soundFilesPath: 'assets/audio'
  soundFilesPath?: string;

export const plugins: ExpoConfig['plugins'] = [
  ['expo-screen-orientation', { initialOrientation: 'PORTRAIT_UP' }],
  ['expo-notifee-plugin', notifeeOptions],

🛸 Usage

Example with Firebase Node SDK:

import type {Notification} from '@notifee/react-native/src/types/Notification';
import {AndroidImportance} from '@notifee/react-native/src/types/NotificationAndroid';
import {MulticastMessage} from 'firebase-admin/lib/messaging/messaging-api';
import admin from '../src/firebase-admin';

 * @link https://notifee.app/react-native/reference/notification
const notifeeOptions: Notification = {
  title: 'Title',
  subtitle: 'Subtitle',
  body: 'Main body content of the notification',
  android: {
    channelId: 'default',
    importance: AndroidImportance.HIGH,
    lightUpScreen: true,
    pressAction: {
      id: 'default',
    sound: 'default',
  ios: {
    sound: 'default',
    // Adding `foregroundPresentationOptions` controls how to
    // behave when app is UP AND RUNNING, not terminated,
    // AND not in background!
    foregroundPresentationOptions: {
      badge: true,
      banner: true,
      list: true,
      sound: true,

 * @description Firebase Message
 * @link https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/admin/node/firebase-admin.messaging.basemessage.md#basemessage_interface
const message: MulticastMessage = {
  // ✅ We can continue using local/data-only notification for Android
  // 👍 while triggering iOS remote notifications from `apns`
  data: {notifee_options: JSON.stringify(notifeeOptions)},
  tokens: [],
  android: {
    priority: 'high', // Needed to trigger data-only notifications
  apns: {
    payload: {
      notifee_options: notifeeOptions,
      aps: {
        alert: {
          // 🚧 This is needed to trigger an alert/remote notification only for iOS
          // 👍 but Android will continue using data-only notifications
          title: 'ANY_DUMMY_STRING',
        mutableContent: true,

try {
} catch (e) {

🤔 What it does?

This plugin handles moving the necessary NotifeeNSE files into their respective iOS directories.


  1. Updates entitlements
  2. Sets the app group to group.<identifier> if applicable
  3. Adds the extension plist
  4. Adds the view controller
  5. Adds the NotifeeCore pod in Podfile
  6. Adds the sounds (if any) in the iOS project
  7. Updates the xcode project's build phases

🪲 Debugging

📃 License

📃 This project is released under the MIT License.
💻 By contributing, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under its MIT License.

👏 Credits

Adapted from:

🏆 Sponsors


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npm i expo-notifee-plugin

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Last publish


  • criszz77