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1.0.13 • Public • Published


Node.js implementation of a trie and a radix tree tailored towards exact matches.


new ExactTrie([options])

Used to create the trie: const trie = new ExactTrie();.

  • options (optional)
    • ignoreCase (true, optional) set to true to convert all keys to lower case.

trie.put(key, value, [reverse])

Used to insert single element into the trie. Returns the same instance of ExactTrie to allow chaining.

  • key search key, must be a string.
  • value value to be inserted, can by any type.
  • reverse (false, optional) set to true to reverse the key before inserting.

trie.putAll(keys, values, [reverse])

Used to insert multiple elements into the trie. Returns the same instance of ExactTrie to allow chaining.

  • keys search keys, must be an array of strings.
  • values values to be inserted, can be an array of values of any type or a single value. If an array is provided, each key from keys will be assigned a corresponding value from values. Otherwise all keys will receive the same value.
  • reverse (false, optional) set to true to reverse the key before inserting.

trie.get(key, [reverse])

Used to retrieve elements from the trie. Returns undefined if the key is not present in the trie.

  • key search key, must be a string.
  • reverse (false, optional) set to true to reverse the key before searching.

trie.getAll(keys, [reverse])

Same as get(...), except this function takes an array of keys and returns an array of values.

trie.has(key, [reverse])

Used to check if the key is present in the true. Returns a boolean.

  • key search key, must be a string.
  • reverse (false, optional) set to true to reverse the key before searching.

trie.hasAll(keys, [reverse])

Same as has(...), except this function takes an array of keys and returns an array of booleans.

trie.getWithCheckpoints(string, [checkpointChar], [reverse])

Used to retrieve the value corresponding to they key that matches the longest prefix of string. If there are no matches, undefined is returned.

  • string string to check for prefixes, must be a string.
  • checkpointChar (null, optional) character used to separate potential prefixes. When set to null, every possible prefix is considered.
  • reverse (false, optional) set to true to reverse the string before searching.

trie.getAllWithCheckpoints(keys, [checkpointChar], [reverse])

Same as getWithCheckpoints(...), except this function takes an array of keys and returns an array of values.

trie.hasWithCheckpoints(string, [checkpointChar], [reverse])

Used to check if any key matches relevant prefixes from string. Returns a boolean

  • string string to check for prefixes, must be a string.
  • checkpointChar (null, optional) character used to separate potential prefixes. When set to null, every possible prefix is considered.
  • reverse (false, optional) set to true to reverse the string before searching.

trie.hasAllWithCheckpoints(keys, [checkpointChar], [reverse])

Same as hasWithCheckpoints(...), except this function takes an array of keys and returns an array of booleans.


const ExactTrie = require('exact-trie');
// Creating a trie instance
const trie = new ExactTrie({ignoreCase: true}); // `ignoreCase` is `true` by default
// Basic API and exact key matches
trie.put('life', 32);
console.log(trie.has('life')); // prints `true`
console.log(trie.get('life')); // prints `32`
console.log(trie.has('lif'));  // prints `false`
console.log(trie.get('lif'));  // prints `undefined`
// Multiple values with changing
    .putAll(['a', 'b'], [1, 2])
    .putAll(['c', 'd'], 34)
    .put('e', 5);
console.log(trie.getAll(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']));
// -> prints `[1, 2, 34, 34, 5, undefined]`
// Various values and overwriting
const world = {response: 'world'};
trie.put('hello', world);
console.log(trie.get('hello')); // prints `{ response: 'world' }`
trie.put('hello', 3);
console.log(trie.get('hello')); // prints `3`
// Reversing keys
trie.put('oxygen', 8, true);
console.log(trie.has('oxygen'));               // prints `false`
console.log(trie.has('negyxo'));               // prints `true`
console.log(trie.has('oxygen', true)); // prints `true`
// Matching with checkpoints
trie.put('tim', 'Name is Tim');
trie.put('tim.kuzh', 'Tim Kuzh is the name');
console.log(trie.getWithCheckpoints('tim.kuzh', '.'));
// -> prints `Tim Kuzh is the name`
console.log(trie.getWithCheckpoints('tim.cook', '.'));
// -> prints `Name is Tim`
// Matching file extensions
trie.put('tar.gz', 'archive', true);
trie.put('gz', 'gzipped file', true);
console.log(trie.getWithCheckpoints('MyArchive.tar.gz', '.', true));
// -> prints `archive`
console.log(trie.getWithCheckpoints('DataSet.gz', '.', true));
// -> prints `gzipped file`

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