
0.0.5 • Public • Published

eventric LowDB Store Adapter Build Status


initialize(contextName, options, callback)

contextName String Name of the context for which the store is responsible callback(error)

  • error null or Error if one happened

saveDomainEvent(domainEvent, callback)

domainEvent The DomainEvent to be stored

callback(error, domainEvents)

  • error null or Error if one happened
  • domainEvents The stored domainEvents in an array


Finds all DomainEvents in the Store

callback(error, domainEvents)

  • error null or Error if one happened
  • domainEvents The domainEvents found

findDomainEventsByName(domainEventName, callback)

Finds DomainEvents with the given Name in Store

name String|Array Name, or array of names, of the DomainEvent

callback(error, domainEvents)

  • error null or Error if one happened
  • domainEvents The domainEvents found

findDomainEventsByAggregateId(aggregateId, callback)

Finds DomainEvents with the given AggregateId in Store

aggregateId String|Array Id, or array of ids, of the Aggregate

callback(error, domainEvents)

  • error null or Error if one happened
  • domainEvents The domainEvents found

findDomainEventsByAggregateName(aggregateName, callback)

Finds DomainEvents with the given AggregateName in the Store

aggregateName String|Array Name, or array of names, of the Aggregate

callback(error, domainEvents)

  • error null or Error if one happened
  • domainEvents The domainEvents found

getProjectionStore(projectionName, callback)

callbacks with a mongodb collection which can be used for a projection

projectionName Name of the Projection for which a projectionStore should be returned

callback(error, projectionStore)

  • error null or Error if one happened
  • projectionStore MongoDb Collection Projection Store

clearProjectionStore(projectionName, callback) ->

clears the projectionStore with the given name

projectionName Name of the Projection which should be cleared

callback(error, result)

  • error null or Error if one happened
  • result Result of the dropCollection call

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npm install

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npm i eventric-store-lowdb

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  • efacilitation