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A beautiful nodejs logger.


To install euberlog, run:

$ npm install euberlog



const { Logger } = require('euberlog');
const logger = new Logger();'Informazione');
logger.error('Errore');'My car is:', { constructor: 'Toyota', model: 'Yaris', year: 2004 });

Simple example

Default instance

There is a default export consisting in an instance of Logger with default options

const logger = require('euberlog').default;'Informazione');
logger.error('Errore');'My car is:', { constructor: 'Toyota', model: 'Yaris', year: 2004 });

Simple example

Br and hr

const { Logger } = require('euberlog');
const logger = new Logger();

// Prints one line of '-';

// Prints two empty lines;'My name is Eugenio');

// Prints two empty lines;

// Prints five lines of red '*', 'red', '*');

Simple example

With scope

const { Logger } = require('euberlog');
const logger = new Logger('MAIN');

// Adds {MAIN} before the message'Informazione');
logger.error('The error is:', new Error('Errore'));

Simple example

With options

const { Logger } = require('euberlog');
const logger = new Logger({
    scope: 'MYSCOPE',
    debug: false, // Hides the debug logs
    palette: { // Overrides the default colour palette
        primary: {
            info: 'orange',
            success: '(146,133,255)'
        secondary: {
            info: '#ffd485',
            success: 'blue'
logger.debug('This is not shown');

Simple example


The documentation site is: euberlog documentation

The documentation for development site is: euberlog dev documentation


The logger class, its instances will be the euber loggers.


const logger = new Logger(options);


The options parameter is a string or a Options object. If it is a string, it like passing an Options object with only the property scope with that string as value.

Options parameters:

  • scope: Optional. A string representing the scope of the logger. It is prepended between {} before each message. If it is null the scope will not be printed.
  • debug: Optional. If true, the debug messages will be printed.
  • palette: Optional. An object of type Palette representing the colours used by the logger.

Palette parameters:

  • primary: Optional. An object of PaletteDefinitions type that defines the colours for the primary part of a message, namely the [TAG] and an eventual {SCOPE}.
  • secondary: Optional. An object of PaletteDefinitions type that defines the colours for the secondary part of a message, namely the message passed to the logger function.


  • info: The colour for the info logs. Note: the colour can be a valid chalk colour (such as 'white'), an hex colour (such as '#FFFFFF'), an RGB colour (such as '(255,255,255)') or a css keyword (such as 'orange')
  • success: The colour for the success logs. Note: the colour can be a valid chalk colour (such as 'white'), an hex colour (such as '#FFFFFF'), an RGB colour (such as '(255,255,255)') or a css keyword (such as 'orange')
  • debug: The colour for the debug logs. Note: the colour can be a valid chalk colour (such as 'white'), an hex colour (such as '#FFFFFF'), an RGB colour (such as '(255,255,255)') or a css keyword (such as 'orange')
  • warning: The colour for the warning logs. Note: the colour can be a valid chalk colour (such as 'white'), an hex colour (such as '#FFFFFF'), an RGB colour (such as '(255,255,255)') or a css keyword (such as 'orange')
  • error: The colour for the error logs. Note: the colour can be a valid chalk colour (such as 'white'), an hex colour (such as '#FFFFFF'), an RGB colour (such as '(255,255,255)') or a css keyword (such as 'orange')

Note: the default_options are:

    palette: {
        primary: {
            info: 'blue',
            success: 'green',
            debug: 'gray',
            warning: 'yellow',
            error: 'red'
        secondary: {
            info: '#81A2BE',
            success: '#B5BD68',
            debug: '#C5C8C6',
            warning: '#F0C674',
            error: '#CC6666'
    debug: true,
    scope: null


  • info(message: string, object?: any): void: Logs an info message. The format is [INFO] |{SCOPE}| message |object|, where |word| is optional.
  • success(message: string, object?: any): void: Logs an success message. The format is [SUCCESS] |{SCOPE}| message |object|, where |word| is optional.
  • debug(message: string, object?: any): void: Logs an debug message. The format is [DEBUG] |{SCOPE}| message |object|, where |word| is optional.
  • warning(message: string, object?: any): void: Logs an warning message. The format is [WARNING] |{SCOPE}| message |object|, where |word| is optional.
  • error(message: string, object?: any): void: Logs an error message. The format is [ERROR] |{SCOPE}| message |object|, where |word| is optional.
  • br(n?: number): void: Logs n empty lines. The default value of n is 1.
  • hr(n?: number, color?: string, symbol: string): void: Logs n hr lines, coloured with color and constituted by symbol characters. THe default value of n is 1, the default colour is 'white' and the default symbol is '-'.
  • setOptions(options?: Options | string): void: It changes the options of the logger instance. It is almost as using the class constructor, with the difference that a new instance will not be created.

Default instance

There is a default export consisting in an instance of Logger with default options

Project structure

Made with dree

 ├── .eslintignore
 ├── .eslintrc.cjs
 ├─> .github
 │   └─> workflows
 │       ├── build.yml
 │       ├── dree.yml
 │       ├── lint.yml
 │       └── test.yml
 ├── .gitignore
 ├── .prettierrc.cjs
 ├── .release-it.json
 ├── babel.config.cjs
 ├── build.mjs
 ├─> docs
 │   ├── .gitignore
 │   ├─> assets
 │   │   ├── br_and_hr.png
 │   │   ├── simple.png
 │   │   ├── with_options.png
 │   │   └── with_scope.png
 │   └─> tree
 │       └── dree.config.json
 ├── jest.config.ts
 ├── package-lock.json
 ├── package.json
 ├─> source
 │   ├── index.ts
 │   ├── tsconfig.json
 │   ├─> types
 │   │   ├─> deep-partial
 │   │   │   └── index.ts
 │   │   ├── index.ts
 │   │   ├─> options
 │   │   │   └── index.ts
 │   │   └─> palette
 │   │       └── index.ts
 │   └─> utils
 │       ├── colour.ts
 │       ├── logger.ts
 │       └── options.ts
 ├─> test
 │   ├── .eslintrc.cjs
 │   ├─> suites
 │   │   ├─> colour
 │   │   │   └── colour.test.ts
 │   │   ├─> handleOptions
 │   │   │   └── handleOptions.test.ts
 │   │   └─> logger
 │   │       ├─> constructor
 │   │       │   └── constructor.test.ts
 │   │       ├─> defaultInstance
 │   │       │   └── defaultInstance.test.ts
 │   │       ├─> logs
 │   │       │   ├─> noDebug
 │   │       │   │   ├─> debug
 │   │       │   │   │   └── debug.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   ├─> error
 │   │       │   │   │   └── error.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   ├─> info
 │   │       │   │   │   └── info.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   ├─> success
 │   │       │   │   │   └── success.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   └─> warning
 │   │       │   │       └── warning.test.ts
 │   │       │   ├─> scoped
 │   │       │   │   ├─> debug
 │   │       │   │   │   └── debug.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   ├─> error
 │   │       │   │   │   └── error.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   ├─> info
 │   │       │   │   │   └── info.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   ├─> success
 │   │       │   │   │   └── success.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   └─> warning
 │   │       │   │       └── warning.test.ts
 │   │       │   ├─> simple
 │   │       │   │   ├─> debug
 │   │       │   │   │   └── debug.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   ├─> error
 │   │       │   │   │   └── error.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   ├─> info
 │   │       │   │   │   └── info.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   ├─> success
 │   │       │   │   │   └── success.test.ts
 │   │       │   │   └─> warning
 │   │       │   │       └── warning.test.ts
 │   │       │   └─> specials
 │   │       │       └── specials.test.ts
 │   │       └─> setOptions
 │   │           └── setOptions.test.ts
 │   └─> utils
 │       └── getDefaultOptions.ts
 ├── tsconfig.json
 ├── typedoc.cjs


To build the module make sure you have the dev dependencies installed.

The project is written in Typescript, bundled with EsBuild and linted with ESLint.


In order to lint the code:

$ npm run lint

In order to lint and fix the code:

$ npm run lint:fix

There are also the :source and :test suffix after lint in order to lint only the source code or the test code.


To transpile both the source and the test code:

$ npm run transpile:all

The source and the test folders will be transpiled in the dist folder. Also the type declarations will be generated.

To transpile only the source code:

$ npm run transpile:source

The source folder will be transpiled in the dist folder. Also the type declarations will be generated.


After having transpiled the code, run:

$ npm test

in order to run the tests with vitest run.

If a coverage report is to be generated, run:

$ npm run cover:generate


The bundler bundles both a commonjs and an esm version of the module. Also a dts file is generated, via dts-bundle-generator.

$ npm run bundle

The source folder will be compiled in the bundled folder. It will contain the bundled index.js, index.esm.js and index.d.ts files.

Note: since chalk is only an esm, for the commonjs version it is bundled within the module itself.



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  • eubereveloper