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1.0.1 • Public • Published


A NodeJS and browser wrapper for fetching etymology information in various langauges from Douglas Harper's wonderful Online Etymology Dictionary (

Please refer to Online Etymology Dictionary's Terms of Service to make sure you are not infringing intellectual property rights with your use case, and please be kind to their servers.

Get started

Add etymo-js to your Node project

npm install etymo-js
import { Etymo } from "etymo-js";
// initialize
const etymo = new Etymo();

async function run() {
  const results = await"remember");


Returns an array of search results, with the first item being most relevant:

        "term": "remember (v.)",
        "def": "mid-14c., remembren, \"keep or bear (something or someone) in mind, retain in the memory, preserve unforgotten,\" from Old French remembrer [...]",
        "path": "/word/disremember#etymonline_v_11486",
        "id": "11486"
        "term": "*(s)mer- (1)",
        "def": "Proto-Indo-European root meaning \"to remember.\" \n' +
          'It forms all or part of: commemorate; commemoration; mourn; memo; memoir; memorable; memorandum; memorial [...]"
        "path": "/word/*%28s%29mer-#etymonline_v_53458",
        "id": "53458"
        "term": "remembrance (n.)",
        "def": "c. 1300, remembraunce, \"a memory, recollection,\" from Old French remembrance (11c.), from remembrer (see remember). From late 14c. as \"consideration, reflection; present consciousness [...]",
        "path": "/word/remembrance#etymonline_v_37059",
        "id": "37059"
      } ...


Note - requires internet connection to retrieve data.


Basic search

Returns array of search result obejcts ({ term, def, path, id}), ordered by relevance to search term

const res = await"remember");
    "term": "remember (v.)",
    "def": "mid-14c., remembren, \"keep or bear (something or someone) in mind, retain in the memory, preserve unforgotten,\" from Old French remembrer [...]",
    "path": "/word/disremember#etymonline_v_11486",
    "id": "11486"
    }, ...

Multi-word search

It's fine to use spaces in the search term

const res = await"back seat");
    "term": "back seat (n.)",
    "def": "also back-seat, 1832, originally of coaches, from back (adj.) + seat (n.). Used figuratively for \"less or least prominent position\" by 1868. Back-seat driver \"passenger who gives the driver unwanted advice\" is [...]",
    "path": "/word/back%20seat#etymonline_v_42318",
    "id": "42318"
  }, ...

.get() entry by path

You can use any of the paths returned from search to get single entries. You can also specifify the language of the definition returned.

Returns a single entry ({ term, def, path, id})

get English definition

const res = await etymo.get("/word/remember#etymonline_v_10402");
  "term": "remember (v.)",
  "def": "mid-14c., remembren, \"keep or bear (something or someone) in mind, retain in the memory, preserve unforgotten,\" from Old French remembrer \"remember, recall, bring to mind\" (11c.), from Latin rememorari \"recall to mind, remember,\" from re- \"again\" (see re-) + memorari \"be mindful of, [...]",
  "path": "/word/remember#etymonline_v_10402",
  "id": "10402"

get definition in another language

You can specify an option lang parameter . See avaialable languages below. Note that the lang parameter will override any language pre-pended in the provided path.

// get definition in Japanese
const res = await etymo.get("/word/remember#etymonline_v_10402", {
  lang: "jp",
  "term": "remember (v.)",
  "def": "14世紀中頃、remembren は、「(何かや誰かを)心に留める、記憶に保つ、忘れないようにする」という意味で使われました。これは、古フランス語の remembrer「思い出す、思い起こす」(11世紀)から来ており、ラテン語の rememorari「思い出す、記憶する」から派生したものです。これは、re-「再び」(re- を参照) [...]",
  "path": "/word/remember#etymonline_v_10402",
  "id": "10402"

Supported languages

Language Two-Letter Code
English en
Spanish es
French fr
German de
Italian it
Portuguese pt
Japanese ja
Chinese zh
Korean ko


Returns a list of terms currently trending on

const res = await etymo.trending();

// => ['nepotism','nickelodeon','hero','island','ego','fast','spell','gospel','father','confidence']


Package created with @el3um4s/typescript-npm-package-starter

Ignore the TS errors in the test file 🤷 Jest doesn't seem to care.

Build the package


npm run build

Test the package

You can test the code with Jest

npm test

You can find the test coverage in coverage/lcov-report/index.html.

Check dependencies

You can check and upgrade dependencies to the latest versions, ignoring specified versions. with npm-check-updates:

npm run check-updates

You can also use npm run check-updates:minor to update only patch and minor.

Instead npm run check-updates:patch only updates patch.


First commit the changes to GitHub. Then login to your NPM account (If you don’t have an account you can do so on

npm login

Then run publish:

npm publish

If you're using a scoped name use:

npm publish --access public

Bumping a new version

To update the package use:

npm version patch

and then

npm publish

Package Sidebar


npm i etymo-js

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  • clairefro