DefinitelyTyped icon, indicating that this package has TypeScript declarations provided by the separate @types/ethereum-block-by-date package

1.5.0 • Public • Published

Ethereum Block By Date

Get Ethereum block number by a given date. Or blocks by a given period duration.

Works with any Ethereum based mainnet or testnet networks.

Works with web3.js, ethers.js and viem


Use npm:

npm i ethereum-block-by-date

Or yarn:

yarn add ethereum-block-by-date


Using with Web3.js

const EthDater = require('ethereum-block-by-date');

// For Web3.js v4 use:
const { Web3 } = require('web3');

// For Web3.js v1 use:
const Web3 = require('web3');

const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(process.env.PROVIDER));

const dater = new EthDater(
    web3 // Web3 object, required.

Using with Ethers.js

const EthDater = require('ethereum-block-by-date');
const { ethers } = require('ethers');

// For Ethers.js v6 use:
const provider = new ethers.CloudflareProvider();

// For Ethers.js v5 use:
const provider = new ethers.providers.CloudflareProvider();

const dater = new EthDater(
    provider // Ethers provider, required.

Using with Viem

const EthDater = require('ethereum-block-by-date');
const { createPublicClient, http } = require('viem');
const { mainnet } = require('viem/chains');

const client = createPublicClient({
    chain: mainnet,
    transport: http()

const dater = new EthDater(
    client // Viem client, required.


// Getting block by date:
let block = await dater.getDate(
    '2016-07-20T13:20:40Z', // Date, required. Any valid moment.js value: string, milliseconds, Date() object, moment() object.
    true, // Block after, optional. Search for the nearest block before or after the given date. By default true.
    false // Refresh boundaries, optional. Recheck the latest block before request. By default false.

/* Returns an object: {
    date: '2016-07-20T13:20:40Z', // searched date
    block: 1920000, // found block number
    timestamp: 1469020840 // found block timestamp
} */

// Getting block by period duration. For example: every first block of Monday's noons of October 2019.
let blocks = await dater.getEvery(
    'weeks', // Period, required. Valid value: years, quarters, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes
    '2019-09-02T12:00:00Z', // Start date, required. Any valid moment.js value: string, milliseconds, Date() object, moment() object.
    '2019-09-30T12:00:00Z', // End date, required. Any valid moment.js value: string, milliseconds, Date() object, moment() object.
    1, // Duration, optional, integer. By default 1.
    true, // Block after, optional. Search for the nearest block before or after the given date. By default true.
    false // Refresh boundaries, optional. Recheck the latest block before request. By default false.

/* Returns an array of objects: [
    { date: '2019-09-02T12:00:00Z', block: 8470641, timestamp: 1567425601 },
    { date: '2019-09-09T12:00:00Z', block: 8515536, timestamp: 1568030405 },
    { date: '2019-09-16T12:00:00Z', block: 8560371, timestamp: 1568635207 },
    { date: '2019-09-23T12:00:00Z', block: 8605314, timestamp: 1569240009 },
    { date: '2019-09-30T12:00:00Z', block: 8649923, timestamp: 1569844804 }
] */

let requests = dater.requests;

/* Returns a count of made requests */

Note: if the given date is before the first block date in the blockchain, the script will return 1 as block number. If the given date is in the future, the script will return the last block number in the blockchain.


The package uses moment.js plugin to parse dates. Read more about valid dates and time zones in the plugin's documentation: Moment.js


Explore the online demo of this package at, crafted by 0xAskar.


Every first block of the year:

let blocks = await dater.getEvery('years', '2016-01-01T00:00:00Z', '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z');

/* Returns [
    { date: '2016-01-01T00:00:00Z', block: 778483, timestamp: 1451606404 },
    { date: '2017-01-01T00:00:00Z', block: 2912407, timestamp: 1483228803 },
    { date: '2018-01-01T00:00:00Z', block: 4832686, timestamp: 1514764802 },
    { date: '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z', block: 6988615, timestamp: 1546300801 }
] */

Every last block of the year:

let blocks = await dater.getEvery('years', '2016-01-01T00:00:00Z', '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z', 1, false);

/* Returns [
    { date: '2016-01-01T00:00:00Z', block: 778482, timestamp: 1451606392 },
    { date: '2017-01-01T00:00:00Z', block: 2912406, timestamp: 1483228771 },
    { date: '2018-01-01T00:00:00Z', block: 4832685, timestamp: 1514764787 },
    { date: '2019-01-01T00:00:00Z', block: 6988614, timestamp: 1546300782 }
] */

Every first block of every 4 hours of October 10, 2019:

let blocks = await dater.getEvery('hours', '2019-10-10T00:00:00Z', '2019-10-11T00:00:00Z', 4);

/* Returns [
    { date: '2019-10-10T00:00:00Z', block: 8710742, timestamp: 1570665639 },
    { date: '2019-10-10T04:00:00Z', block: 8711802, timestamp: 1570680002 },
    { date: '2019-10-10T08:00:00Z', block: 8712836, timestamp: 1570694401 },
    { date: '2019-10-10T12:00:00Z', block: 8713926, timestamp: 1570708806 },
    { date: '2019-10-10T16:00:00Z', block: 8715001, timestamp: 1570723236 },
    { date: '2019-10-10T20:00:00Z', block: 8716033, timestamp: 1570737614 },
    { date: '2019-10-11T00:00:00Z', block: 8717086, timestamp: 1570752000 }
] */

Need Help

If you need any help, please contact me via GitHub issues page: GitHub


If you like my package and you want to support the development or buy me a cup of coffee, you could donate to me via Ethereum: 0x18F54b91f7e19c51fA701E7ed5628fA45441d872

Thanks ❤️

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