Ethereum Wallet Management.
This is under development. The API has not been frozen yet.
Use with a leveldown
var storage = storage
walletManager.lookupAll( cb(err, [KeyObject, ...]) )
Loads all keys as KeyObjects
walletManager.generateIdentity( { label: String }, cb(err, KeyObject) )
creates a new ethereum key with the label specified
walletManager.importIdentity( { label: String, privateKey: Buffer }, cb(err, KeyObject) )
creates a new ethereum key with the label specified
walletManager.exportIdentity( keyId, cb(err, result) )
walletManager.exportAll( cb(err, result) )
A KeyObject is a simple representation of a key that does not directly expose the privateKey
// properties label: String address: String'non-prefixed hex' // methods signTx:
keyObject.signTx( Transaction, cb(err, Transaction) )
Takes an ethereumjs-lib Transaction and a callback