- Truth or Dare
- Anime GIFs
- Anime Waifu/Husbando Picture
- OSU API Wrapper
- Async Supports
- User Friendly Code
If you want to install stable version, try the following command:
npm i estrajs
Or, if you want to install the newest version (Sometimes not stable), try the following command:
npm i https://github.com/StawaDev/EstraJS
Don't want to miss our new version? Turn on the "auto-update" feature! Try the following code:
import { AutoUpdate } from 'estrajs/autoupdate';
const UpdateClient = new AutoUpdate();
await UpdateClient.config(true, true, true);
// ↑
// 1. Power on/off, 2. Change Log enabled/disabled, 3. Output enabled/disabled
// Short version
const UpdateClient = new AutoUpdate().config(true, true, true);
Confused enough trying to use this module? Don't worry! This function will be returning a list of all endpoints or all endpoints in a list. If you don't want to use this function, you can read it on our Documentation
// First method, easy to use, but not customizable.
import { EstraHelp } from 'estrajs/help';
console.log(await EstraHelp.sfw());
console.log(await EstraHelp.all());
// Second method, complicated to use, but customizable.
import { EstraHelpClass } from 'estrajs/help';
const Helper = new EstraHelpClass();
console.log(await Helper.sfw());
console.log(await Helper.all());
Here's some examples of how to use this module, if you need more examples, don't worry! In our Github Homepage, we got all examples to use function in this module.
import { EstraClient } from "estrajs";
// or const EstraClient = require('estrajs');
const Client = new EstraClient();
async function func1() {
console.log(await Client.sfw.hug());
import { EstraClient } from "estrajs";
// or const EstraClient = require('estrajs');
const Client = new EstraClient();
const Example = async() => { // It generate 5 times! Max 10.
const output = await Client.sfw.hug(5)