
0.3.4 • Public • Published


A simple node package to parse and write Gnip JSON records into an ArcGIS Feature Service.


  • Write raw Gnip JSON to an ArcGIS Feature Service.
  • Automatically exclude Gnip records with no geolocation.
  • Optionally exclude Gnip records at 0,0.
  • Optionally parse Gnip JSON to ArcGIS JSON without writing.
  • Supports ArcGIS token-based authentication.

See gnip-reader to obtain Gnip JSON records from the Gnip Search API.


  1. Gnip data - A set of Gnip records in Gnip JSON format, retrieved from the Gnip APIs. See also gnip-reader. Contact these guys if you need to get data.
  2. A pre-configured ArcGIS Online Feature Service to store the data. See details below to configure your target Feature Service.
  3. node.js



$ npm install esri-gnip

Writing to an ArcGIS Feature Service

You must have the URL to a target Feature Service with editing enabled and a specific set of attributes (see Creating a target Feature Service below).

Once you have that URL, initialize the esri-gnip writer and write records like this:

var esriGnip = require('esri-gnip');
// The REST Endpoint URL of the target Feature Service
var featureServiceURL = '';
var myGnip = new esriGnip.Writer(featureServiceURL, function(err, metadata) {
  if (err) {
  } else {
    this.postGnipRecordsToFeatureService([ /* array of gnip records */ ], function(err, results) {
      if (err) {
      } else {

The callback is called once the writer is initialized and ready to accept Gnip records. Within the callback, this will refer to the newly created writer object.

There is also an initialized property on the writer which can be used to determine if the writer is ready. It is recommended you use the callback pattern where possible.


The results callback parameter will look like this:

  arcgisRecords: [],    // arcGISRecords
  unlocated: [],        // gnipRecords
  translationErrors: [] // translationErrors

A translationError is structured as follows:

  translationError: { 
    message: '<string>', 
    stack: '<string>'
  record: { /* a Gnip record */ }


You can pass in an options object instead of a URL as the first parameter to new esriGnip.Writer(). The options object must contail a url property:

var esriGnip = require('esri-gnip');
var options = {
  // The REST Endpoint URL of the target Feature Service
  url: ''
var myGnip = new esriGnip.Writer(options, function(err, metadata) {
  // See above

Note: you should avoid sending too many Gnip records in a single call to .postGnipRecordsToFeatureService() to avoid the POST call becoming too large. While the Feature Service will likely handle it, it could cause HTTP timeouts. Informal tests have shown that 50-100 records per post is a reasonable and very safe limit.


The options parameter can optionally contain a token property for authentication with the target Feature Service, in case that feature service is not public:

var esriGnip = require('esri-gnip');
var options = {
  // The REST Endpoint URL of the target Feature Service
  url: '',
  token: '<some-authentication-token>'
var myGnip = new esriGnip.Writer(options, function(err, metadata) {
  // See above

Excluding records at [0,0]

All too often a poorly geolocated record will have a coordinate of [0,0]. It is very rare that this is actually the correct coordinate. You can exclude these records from consideration by setting the excludeNullIslands property of the options parameter to true:

var esriGnip = require('esri-gnip');
var options = {
  // The REST Endpoint URL of the target Feature Service
  url: '',
  excludeNullIslands: true
var myGnip = new esriGnip.Writer(options, function(err, metadata) {
  // See above

If excludeNullIslands is set to true, records with coordinates of [0,0] will be included in the unlocated output property and will not be added to the target feature service.

Parsing Gnip JSON records

To simply parse an array of Gnip records without posting to an ArcGIS FeatureService, call parse():

var esriGnip = require('esri-gnip');
var output = esriGnip.parse([ /* array of gnip records */ ]);

Where output will look like the results callback parameter in .postGnipRecordsToFeatureService() described above.

You can optionally reject Gnip records that have a location of [0,0] by passing true as the second parameter to .parse(). Such records will be included in the unlocated output property.

Creating a target Feature Service

A target feature service of the correct schema is required to write Gnip records to. Follow these instructions to create such a feature service from the pre-created template.

  1. Log in here with your ArcGIS Online account.
  2. Browse to My Content, then select Create Layer
  3. Choose an existing feature layer in the pulldown.
  4. Select the Enter a URL to a feature layer radio button.
  5. Paste into the Url field.
  6. (Optional) Rename the layer.
  7. Click Next
  8. Click Next to accept the default extent.
  9. Enter a Title
  10. Enter at least one Tag
  11. (Optional) update the Summary and/or Folder
  12. Click Done

You will be taken to the new Feature Service's item page. To get the REST Endpoint URL, click the layer name in the Layers section (or click the caret next to it to display the popup menu and select Service URL). The URL of the newly opened page is the REST Endpoint needed by esri-gnip and will look similar to the URL in Step 5 above.

NOTE: Go here to get a free ArcGIS Developer subscription or a trial ArcGIS Online Organization subscription.



  • Gnip records without location information are not added.
  • Gnip records with coordinates of [0,0] can optionally be considered to have no location (see Excluding records at [0,0] and Parsing Gnip JSON records above).
  • Advanced users can use the Service Definition file included in this repo to create a suitable target Feature Service. can be used with ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Server. It will create a Feature Service named Gnip, so ensure there is no pre-existing Feature Service of that name before use.


Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an Issue.


Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.


Copyright 2014 Esri

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the license is available in the repository's license.txt file.




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