
0.0.39 • Public • Published


Feature-sliced design methodology plugin.

Attention: the plugin is being actively developed and is in beta. The names of rules and configurations may change in new versions. If you find a bug, please open an issue or pull request. Feel free to contribute


  • Works with any framework

  • Support for any aliases out of the box

import { AppButton } from "~/shared/ui/app-button";
import { AppButton } from "@/shared/ui/app-button";
import { AppButton } from "@shared/ui/app-button";
import { AppButton } from "$shared/ui/app-button";
import { AppButton } from "$@#$%%shared/ui/app-button";
  • Checks for absolute and relative paths
// file: src/widgets/TheHeader/ui/TheHeader.stories.tsx

import { TheHeader } from './TheHeader'; // valid
import { TheHeader } from 'src/widgets/TheHeader'; // error: should relative
import { TheHeader } from 'widgets/TheHeader'; // error: should relative
import { useBar } from '../../../shared/hooks'; // error: should absolute
  • Checks for imports from public api and fix them
// file: src/features/search-articles/...

import { addCommentFormActions, addCommentFormReducer } from 'entities/Article/model/file.ts'; // error
// fix: import { addCommentFormActions, addCommentFormReducer } from 'entities/Article';
  • Sort imports
import axios from "axios";                           // 1) external libs
import { Header } from "widgets/header";             // 2.1) Layers: widgets
import { Zero } from "widgets/zero";                 // 2.1) Layers: widget 
import { LoginForm } from "features/login-form";     // 2.2) Layers: features
import { globalEntities } from "entities";           // 2.4) Layers: entities
import { authModel } from "entities/auth";           // 2.4) Layers: entities
import { Cart } from "entities/cart";                // 2.4) Layers: entities 
import { One } from "entities/one";                  // 2.4) Layers: entities 
import { Two } from "entities/two";                  // 2.4) Layers: entities
import { debounce } from "shared/lib/fp";            // 2.5) Layers: shared
import { Button } from "shared/ui";                  // 2.5) Layers: shared
import { Input } from "shared/ui";                   // 2.5) Layers: shared
import { data } from "../fixtures";                  // 3) parent
import { getSmth } from "./lib";                     // 4) sibling


You'll first need to install ESLint:

npm i eslint --save-dev

Next, install eslint-plugin-conarti-fsd and dependencies:

npm install -D eslint-plugin-conarti-fsd eslint-plugin-import
# or by yarn
yarn add -D eslint-plugin-conarti-fsd eslint-plugin-import


Add conarti-fsd to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin- prefix:

  "plugins": [

Then enable rules:

  "extends": [


You can use warnings instead of errors for specific rules. Or turn off certain rules:

  "rules": {
    "conarti-fsd/layers-slices": "warn",
    "conarti-fsd/absolute-relative": "off",
    "conarti-fsd/public-api": "warn",
    "import/order": "warn"

If you don't want to use the 'import/order' rule, you can choose not to install the 'eslint-plugin-import' package. And also you will have to configure all the rules separately, without using the config. Recommended settings:

  "rules": {
    "conarti-fsd/layers-slices": ["error", { 
      "allowTypeImports": true
    "conarti-fsd/absolute-relative": "error",
    "conarti-fsd/public-api": "error"


🔧 Automatically fixable by the --fix CLI option. 💡 Suggestion fix (no automatic fix)

Name Description 🔧
conarti-fsd/layers-slices Checks layer imports
conarti-fsd/absolute-relative Checks for absolute and relative paths
conarti-fsd/public-api Check for module imports from public api 💡
import/order Sort imports using 'eslint-plugin-import' 🔧

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npm i eslint-plugin-conarti-fsd

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  • conarti