
0.1.6 • Public • Published

ES6 / DOM assisting tool

This is a very simple WIP module that makes it cleaner and easier to perform the more common DOM tasks such as:

  • Adding, Checking and Removing classes
  • Appending es6 Template strings to the DOM in a none brute-force manner (using appendChild)
  • Getting and assigning Ids
  • Getting and assigning data attributes
  • Finding child elements
  • and more...

This is done through the following methods:

  • .addClass() - Adds class(es) to an element, supports single or an array of values
  • .removeClass() - Removed class(es) from an element, supports single or an array of values
  • .checkClass() - Checks if an element has the given class
  • .data - Can return the whole dataset, a specific dataset or add a new data attribute
  • .id() - Can return or assign an id
  • .classes() - Returns the classes of an element (WIP)
  • .find() - Looks for child elements with matching criteria
  • .findTo() - Allows you to chain other methods after finding the desired elements: such as adding, removing classes, data etc.
  • .modify() - Expects a callback method, but will give back the element in the argument of the callback. Giving you freedom to do anything else.
  • .return() - Returns the standard DOM element

note: currently when using this utility, you cannot use regular DOM methods on the objects. unless using .find(), .modify() or .return() as these responses will return regular DOM objects.


Using the same instance to do multiple things

Just like with regular DOM objects, you can define elements and use the methods on them afterwards.

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';

const element = ele('#my_wrapper');

if (//Something) {
} elseif (//Something else) {
} else {

Adding classes

You can also pass it a selector which could be used multiple times in your DOM, if you do it will find all instances of this selector and add the passed css class argument(s) to them.

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';


You can also pass an array of classes to be added:

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';

ele('#my_wrapper').addClass(['class1', 'class2']);

Removing classes

You can also pass it a selector which could be used multiple times in your DOM, if you do it will find all instances of this selector and remove the passed css class argument(s) to them.

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';


You can also pass an array of classes to be removed:

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';

ele('#my_wrapper').removeClass(['class1', 'class2']);

Checking for a class

You do not need to check if the class is there before adding or removing, when adding or removing a class the utility does that for you to stop duplicates. This is more for when checking the DOM for a specific state.

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';

if ( ele('#my_wrapper').checkClass('active') ) {
  // Do something

Adding ES6 template strings

If your selector is found multiple times in the DOM, the same template string will be appended in all cases found.

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';

ele('#wrapper').append(`<div class="my_message"> Template String Added </div>`)

Getting or assigning Ids

This will only grab or assign an ID for the first instance of the selector found.

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';

const wrapper = ele('.my_element');

// Add an id'my_id');

// Get the id; // It will simply return the id or undefined

Getting or assigning Data Attributes

This will only grab or assign a data attribute for the first instance of the selector found.

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';

const wrapper = ele('.my_element');

// Get the data attributes; // Returns the dataset

// Get a specific data attribute'state'); // returns the dataset.state or undefined

// Setting a data attribute'state', 'active'); // Assigns a data attribute of state with the value of active

Finding child element(s)

This will return all instances of children with the given selector.

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';

const wrapper = ele('.my_element');
const myChild = wrapper.find('.my_child'); // Returns first instance of this class.
const firstDiv = wrapper.find('div'); // Returns first instance of this element.
// etc

Finding child element(s) to modify

This allows you to find child elements and then chain another method too it, such as adding or removing a class.

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';

const wrapper = ele('.my_element');

.modify() - Playground method for having more native control.

import ele from 'es6-dom-helper';

const wrapper = ele('.my_element');
wrapper.modify( (element) => {
  console.log(element) // DOM element of ".my_element"

Setup & tests:

Please ensure you install all dependencies with npm i

Unit tests are implemented with code coverage also. You can run npm run test to execute the unit tests.

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npm i es6-dom-helper

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  • thedanzor